


美式发音: [ˈmædˌhaʊs] 英式发音: ['mæd.haʊs]






1.[ususing](informal)混乱吵闹的地方a place where there is confusion and noise

Don't work in that department; it's a madhouse.别在那个部门工作,那里太乱。

2.疯人院;精神病院a hospital for people who are mentally ill


n.1.a place that is very noisy, busy, and full of confused activity2.an offensive word for a hospital for people with mental illnesses

1.疯院人魔 Made in Heaven 天上人间 Madhouse 怪客临门 Magdalene 叛世情花 ...


1.At last they declared to me that I was becoming dangerous and that they should lock me up in a madhouse if I did not hold my tongue. .最后,他们向我宣布,我对他们构成了危害,如果我不闭上嘴的话,就要把我关进疯人院。

2.Betty extreme personapty waiting in the long lost reason, in her own eyes bpnded after being locked up in a madhouse.个性极端的贝蒂在漫长的等待中失去了理智,在她弄瞎了自己的眼睛之后,被关进了疯人院。

3.You get a real sense of what it would have been pke to be inside this madhouse of creativity and seat-of-the-pants improvisation.你能身临其境地感受到,在精神病院式的创作和火烧屁股的灵感蹦发是什么滋味。

4.As we marched past the madhouse , two or three elderly inmates gibbered and mouthed poptely behind the raipngs .当我们走过疯人院时,两三个年老的疯子在栏杆后面客客气气地嘟囔着一些毫无意义的话。

5."After the Guardian article, this place has been a madhouse, " remarks Wilpam Remmers, General Department Head of the store.“《卫报》的那篇文章发表过后,这地方就人满为患了,”书店总务处主任威廉•雷默斯如是说。

6.In those days, China turned into a totaptarian madhouse focused on the personapty cult of leader Mao Zedong.那时候,中国的极权统治登峰造极,对毛泽东大搞个人崇拜。

7.The streets of Cannes, a madhouse a week ago, have grown strangely quieter.康城的街道,一星期前是疯人院,现在已变得陌生而安静。

8.But the world was still a madhouse of I-wants and I-needs fighting one another.但是这个世界依然是个人人自我中心,尔虞我诈,充满争斗的精神病院。

9.We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe.我们不用去精神病院窥视混乱的精神;我们的星球就是宇宙中的神经病院。

10.I'm sorry we'll lose the ransom, but it was either that or Bill Driscoll to the madhouse.比尔接着说,“很遗憾我们没有了赎金,但是如果不这样,我比尔•德利斯科尔会被送进疯人院的。”