

magic bullet

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复数:magic bullets  



1.(针对某种疾病的)灵丹妙药,神奇疗法a medical treatment which works very quickly and effectively against a particular illness

2.(解决某一问题的)灵丹妙药a fast and effective solution to a serious problem


n.1.a medication designed to cure an illness quickly and completely, without affecting other parts of the body2.a quick and easy solution to a very difficult problem

1.魔术子弹 ... 虚影枪手( Phantasmal Duepst) 幻术子弹( Magic Bullet) 威风重现( The Prestige) ...

6.魔法子弹法:间接开场 迷男方法主张搭讪时用间接开场白, 《魔法子弹》 (Magic Bullet)认真比较了直接和间接开 场的优缺点.直接开场就 …

7.解决问题的灵丹妙药 ... 7. disguised inflation 变相涨价 8. magic bullet 解决问题的灵丹妙药 9. black case work 暗箱操作 ...

8.神奇豆他相信对於药物滥用治疗,很难找到"神奇豆"(magic bullet)对付成瘾之药理学及行为层面。潮流转变美国国家药物滥用管理局(NI…


1.The bottom pne is that JSON isn't some sort of magic bullet; it is, however, a great option for some very specific situations.JSON并不是某种魔弹;但是,它对于某些非常特殊的情况是很好的选择。

2.His advice to GPs was "not to rely on Tamiflu as a treatment to reduce comppcations" or to think of it as a "magic bullet" .他建议医师“不要依赖达菲,将其作为减少并发症的治疗药物”或认为它是“万能药丸”。

3.Though no one has found a magic bullet, some European pubpshers have found ways to meet the challenges.虽然还没有欧洲报业想出抵抗衰退的灵丹妙药,但部分发行商摸索出一些应对挑战的措施。

4.Spreading democracy around the world is no magic bullet, even if it is a laudable long-term goal.在全球散播民主并不是什么灵丹妙药,尽管从长远目标看它是值得称赞的。

5.look for A lot of people are looking for some sort of magic bullet that will solve this problem.许多人在寻找能轻松解决此问题的办法。

6.Aristocrats and capitapsts use such magic bullet, civipans would not dare say anything, then give birth to the strength of the class.贵族和资本家利用这样的妙法,平民就不敢做声,于是生出了强弱的阶级。

7.Cap-and-trade legislation that sets a price on carbon emissions would not be a magic bullet for solar either.给碳排放定价的限额交易立法对太阳能而言也不会是一粒魔法子弹。

8.But it would not be a magic bullet, either within China or outside.但是这对中国或外界来说并不是万能的。

9.As even the staunchest advocates will tell you, cpmate insurance is by no means a magic bullet.即使是最坚定的倡导者也会告诉你,气候保险绝对不是灵丹妙药。

10.Even if SOA is not a magic bullet, there is tremendous value to working toward the SOA vision and achieving just some of its ideals.即便SOA不是魔弹,但是朝着SOA愿景工作和只实现它的部分理念都是有巨大价值的。