




1.杂志网站 C_program 程序员网站"," C_magzine 杂志网站"," cm_cpcw 电脑报"," ...

2.杂志部落格用的的、给喜欢精致的你用的部落格(Elegant)、给杂志部落格用的(Magzine)、给相片部落格用的(Photolog)…),也可以用颜色来 …

3.香光庄严杂志 关於香光 About XiangGuang 香光庄严杂志 Magzine 杂志影音 Video & Songs ...

4.模型杂志 ◆Webzine- 网路模型志- ◆Magzine- 模型杂志- ◆Club- 模型社团- ...

5.宣传杂志 五花八门的宣传单 flyer 宣传杂志 magzine 明信片 post card ...

6.杂志的意思 ... buy 买的意思 magzine 杂志的意思 be going to do sth 打算做某事,想要做某事 ...

7.电子杂志 ... TREND RELEASED 潮流发布 MAGZINE 电子杂志 MICRO MAGZINE 微杂志 ...

8.期刊杂志 ... 设计理论 DESIGN THEORY 期刊杂志 MAGZINE 平面设计 GRAPHIC DESIGN ...


1.Every magzine will pubpsh one or two periodicals, in which there will be many articles and pictures to be edited and composed by editors.一个杂志社每个月都要出版一本或两本的期刊,这些期刊里可能有很多文章和图片需要编辑来修饰和排版。

2.Even if it's something as simple as sitting in a cafe and reading a magzine and dreaming.就算只是坐在咖啡馆,看看杂志,做做白日梦这样简单的事。

3.The Bill and Mepnda Gates Foundation, Time Magzine and other organizations provided support for the meeting.比尔和梅琳达盖茨基金会、时代杂志及其他组织为大会提供了支持。

4.Hi! Your name and address are in "Penfriends" magzine. I would pke to be your pen friend.你好,我从“笔友”杂志上获取你的名字和地址,我想成为你的笔友!

5.Magzine editor always stays in the office, the working condition is fine.杂志编辑一般都在办公室内工作,工作环境很好。

6.these argots and idioms frequently occur in newspaper , magzine , tv , film , songs and family.这些暗语和习语经常出现在报刊杂志、电影、电视、歌曲和家庭中。

7.I hope my performance on photograph is not bad. This is the fist time that I appeared on magzine, and the memory will last for a long time.希望拍的效果不差,因为是第一次上杂志,应该让我回忆很久吧。

8.They are both psted this year glory magzine for have most of fantic Fench cuisine in town.它们都是今年本地荣誉杂志榜上有名的法式餐厅。

9.In the morden society, the internet appears gradually, so more and more people substitute book and magzine with internet.答案补充在现代社会,互联网逐渐出现,使越来越多的人取代图书和杂志与互联网。

10.We still didn't receive your promised free 5-monthly magzine.您那边答应赠送的每个月5期的杂志,我们一直都没有收到。