



美式发音: [meɪd] 英式发音: [meɪd]


网络释义:少女;Mobile Agent Intrusion Detection System;女佣




n.1.a woman whose job is to clean rooms, serve meals, wash clothes, etc. in a house; a woman whose job is to clean rooms in a hotel2.an old word meaninga girl or young woman who is not married

1.少女 Mates 伙伴 Maids 少女 Rates 比率 ...

2.Mobile Agent Intrusion Detection System hoc网络提出多层分布式入侵检测技术的具体实现:MAIDS(Mobile Agent Intrusion Detection System).MAIDS是基于信任的簇 …

3.女仆 prides 骄傲 maids 女仆 sends 寄,送 ...

4.女佣 ... students 学生 maids 女佣 waiters 侍应 ...

5.姑娘 Room service waiters 客房服务人员 Maids 房间打扫员 Lobby 大厅 ...

7.二丫环 二丫环:刘嘉玉、戴心怡 Maids :Liu,Chia-yu 、Tai,Hsin-yi 编剧:王安祈 赵雪 君 Playwright :Wang,An-chi 、Chao,Shue-j…

8.家政保姆 其他( OTHER) 家政保姆( MAIDS) 育婴员( BABY-SITTERS) ...


1.21If you refuse to give in, we will testify that you sent your maids away for there was a young man here with you.不然,我们就要作证控告你,说有一个青年人同你在一起,所以你才打发婢女们离开你。

2.You roam from town to town, bedding merchants' wives and temple maids, and you think you know something about love.你整天到处游荡,和商人的妻子,寺庙的女仆睡觉,你以为自己知道什么是爱。

3.Mrs. Yao shouted to the maids to let down the bamboo screen at the front of their covered cart, and not to peep out too much.似乎每个人都已坐好,姚太太向丫鬟们喊说她们要放下车前的竹帘子,不要老是向外探头张望。

4.It might be if it was kept nice, but the maids are lazy, and I don't know how to make them mind. It worries me though.如果能保持得整洁些会很舒服,可是女仆都很懒,我也不知道怎么能让她们记住。乱七八糟的,让人无法忍受。

5.The remaining maids and the dairyman usually gave themselves another turn on the pillow, and did not appear till a quarter of an hour later.其他的挤奶女工和老板自己,通常都要在床上多躺一会儿,要过了一刻钟才会露面。

6.Turning her head round, she pinned on her cap, and hurriedly kissing her grey hair, ran back to the maids who were shortening her skirt.她要母亲转过头来,给她钉好直筒帽子,好不容易才吻了吻她的斑白的头发,又向那几个给她的裙子缘上边的女仆身边跑去。

7.Jouvenel in his book, On Power, (1) points out the only form of wealth among Austrapan savages was their serving maids.德朱维内尔在《论权力》一书中指出,澳大利亚原始野人的财富的唯一表现形式就是他们的侍女。

8.Abigail quickly got on a donkey and, attended by her five maids, went with David's messengers and became his wife.亚比该立刻起身,骑上驴,带着五个使女,跟从大卫的使者去了,就作了大卫的妻。

9.Only two or three of the maids, Tess learnt, slept in the dairy-house besides herself; most of the helpers going to their homes.苔丝已经听说,除她而外,只有两三个挤牛奶的女工在奶牛场的屋子里睡觉;大多数雇工都是回他们自己家里睡。

10.Defying their union, which had endorsed Mr Obama, a procession of Hispanic maids and short-order cooks headed to Hillary Cpnton's corner.一队西班牙女佣和快餐厨师背弃了一贯支持Obama的联盟而转投向了希拉里一角。