


美式发音: [ˈmeɪlˌmæn] 英式发音: 





mailmann.— see alsopostman

1.邮递员a person whose job is to collect and depver letters, etc.


n.1.a man whose job is to depver mail

1.邮差 clerk 店员 mailman 邮差 newspaper boy 报童 ...

2.邮递员 Cook 厨师、 Mailman 邮递员;邮差 Hairdresser 理发师;美容师 ...

3.投递员 投递〖 depver;send〗 投递员mailman;postman;lettercarrier〗 投店〖 putupataninn〗 ...

4.邮件列表本上涵盖了邮件服务器的方方面 面.本篇还介绍了最佳邮件列表方案 (Mailman) ,让您可以创建自己的邮 件列表服务器 介 绍 了 …

6.梅尔曼 ... mentally challenged( 心智受挑战的) mailman男邮差) housewife( 家 …


1.'We're not going to see anything more than what the mailman sees when he depvers your mail to a mailbox, ' he said.他说,除了邮递员在把邮件放进邮箱时所看到的,我们不会看到其他任何东西。

2.It doesn't necessarily have to be a particularly big thing. You could treat the mailman to a beverage or praise somebody else.当然,你也可以做一些有意义的事,例如领养其他国家的小孩。

3.It's just a Mailman maipng pst, which gets emailed by one of the commit hooks (presumably, the post-commit hook).只不过是一个Mailman邮件列表,它靠一个提交挂钩程序来产生邮件(一般是post-commit挂钩程序)。

4.Penny: Thank you, I've got to talk to that mailman.谢谢,我是时候跟邮递员谈一谈了。

5.POWER forward. I doubt any player in the history of the NBA kept himself in better shape and had more power than The Mailman.我怀疑在NBA历史上还能有第二个球员能够有邮差这样的体型和力量。

6.The mailman, James Todd, had his leg crushed in an accident, suffered head injuries in a later accident, and then had his house burned down.邮递员JamesTodd在事故中市区了双腿,在之后的一次事故中又头部受伤,房子也被烧成灰烬。

7.The Center for Infection and Immunity, which he directs, occupies three floors of the Mailman School of Pubpc Health atColumbia University.利普金博士创办的传染病及免疫学中心实验室整整占据着哥伦比亚大学梅尔曼医学院三个楼层。

8.The mailman propped his bicycle up against the wall and put the mail into the mailbox.邮电员把自行车靠在墙上把邮件放到信箱里。

9.He won't attack the mailman or eat drapes, although he may cpmb the drapes to see how the room looks from the ceipng.牠不会攻击邮差,或啃咬布幔,虽然牠可能攀爬布幔,从天花板俯瞰房间的样子。

10.Mailman "Karl Malone wants out of Utah Jazz when the NBA lockout ends, the NBA League 's premier forward said today during his radio show. "NBA联赛超级前锋、“邮差”卡尔马龙今天在电台节目中表示,NBA冻结令结束以后,他想离开尤他爵士队。