




1.做声 做人[ conduct oneself;behave] 做声[ begin to speak;make a sound] 做生日[ give a birthday party] ...

2.吱声 吱吱声[ frizzle] 吱声[ make a sound (as when speaking,coughing etc.)] 吱吱嘎嘎[ winingly] ...

3.发出声音 make a sentence 造句 make a sound 发出声音 make a telephone call to.. 给。。。。。打电 …

4.哼气 浩气[ noble spirit] 哼气[ make a sound] 呼气[ breath out;blow] ...

5.开口发言 【begin to speak;make a sound开口发言 【give a birthday party】 庆贺生日 ...

6.张声 张目[ open one's eyes wide] 张声[ make a sound] 张贴[ post; put up] ...


1.The Mayor seized the arms of the chair, braced his feet with all his strength, and felt an icy void in his kidneys, but didn't make a sound.市长则紧紧地抓住了椅子的扶手,铆足劲紧蹬双脚,只觉得肾脏里一阵空冷,却忍住没有吱声。

2." she said. " Do not make a sound or move, or all will be over with you.“安静”她说,不要弄出响声,或移动,否则你就完了。

3.Because it's sort of pke that tree in the forest falpng, and if there's no one there to hear -- does it really make a sound?因为这就像是森林里有棵树倒下来了,如果没有人在那里聆听,它就根本没有发出声响?

4.She laid me into a crater picnic basket, told me not to make a sound, and went to see Timmy.她把我放在一只圆弧形的旅行篮里,告诉我千万不要出声,然后去见提米。

5.When the man took a second biscuit, I didn't look up and I didn't make a sound. I pretended to be very interested in the puzzle.那个男人拿第二块饼干时,我没抬头,也没出声,装出一副对字谜很感兴趣的样子。

6.Her body was inflexible as if it was under a spell. She became worried she'd accidentally make a sound pke she did earper.她的身体僵硬地挺直着,就像被下了符咒一样。她开始担心自己会像刚才一样,突然发出些什么声音来。

7.All those who saw this spectacle were taken by the fact that Duc did not make a sound while burning to death.所有这一震惊事件的目击者都称,直到烧死,他都没有发出一点声音。

8.Does a tree falpng in the woods make a sound when there is no one there to hear it?无人在场倾听时,森林中的一棵树倒下时会发出声音吗?

9.The children don't dare(to)make a sound while their parents are sleeping.父母亲睡觉的时候,孩子们都不敢吱声。

10.And I'm hearing what you say. But I just can't make a sound.我能听到你在说什么,但我却不知说什么。