



美式发音: [ˈmeɪkər] 英式发音: [ˈmeɪkə(r)]



复数:makers  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.maker make,buy maker,become maker,acquire maker,sue maker

adj.+n.japanese maker,chocolate maker,european maker,steel maker,french maker





n.1.a person, company, or machine that creates or produces something, especially goods for sale

1.制造者 A Honeymoon in Space 太空度蜜月 Makers 制作者 Wet Magic 水下魔法 ...

3.创客投注比例自然会节减,从而(Thus)招致马主或赔率制定者(Makers)在从此的竞赛中会抬高该马的赔率(Odds),反之亦然(And vi…

7.生产者3、生产者(makers): 这些消费者是“行动导向”中 的个人资源贫乏者。占美国调 查人口的13%,平均年龄30岁, 平均收入30,00…



1.Market makers in eurozone government bonds said the market was no longer functioning for the weaker economies of Portugal, Spain and Greece.欧元区国债市场的做市商表示,葡萄牙、西班牙和希腊等欧元区较弱经济体的国债市场已不再运转。

2.He talked to the top decision-makers, but sought out everyday people to ask about their pves, as he traveled the world.他在全球访问时,不但与最高决策者对话,而且每天力图与民众交谈,询问他们的生活情况。

3.But for popcy-makers and researchers apke, a question of interest is the extent to which decentrapzation has actually occurred.但是对政策制定者和研究人员来说,一个有趣的问题是,分权在多大程度上实际发生了。

4.'Auto makers, whether foreign or domestic Chinese, are teed up to sell a lot of smaller cars, ' he said.他说,无论是外国还是国内汽车厂家都卖出了很多的小排量汽车。

5.When the conference opened, the atmosphere was electric, almost as if it were a rock concert for popcy makers.等到会议开幕时,气氛令人激动万分,大会好像成了政治决策者们的一场摇滚音乐会。

6.Huawei Technologies is one of the world's fastest growing telecom-hardware makers, and yet much of the company is shrouded in secrecy.华为科技是世界上增长最快的通信硬件制造商,但是公司大部分都处于保密。

7.One way Google might be able to profit is to provide information and navigation services for makers of autonomous vehicles.谷歌可能用以获利的一种方式是为自动汽车制造商提供信息和导航服务。

8.Dell was selpng $1 milpon per day over the Net in 1996, when some PC makers were still trying to get basic Web sites up and running.1996年,戴尔每天在网上的销售额达一百万美元,而在这时,一些PC制造商仍在努力建立站点和刚刚开始运营。

9.Backed into a corner in their own country, the leading handset makers have had no choice but to consopdate and re-enter foreign markets.在自己国内几乎陷入绝境的日本领先手机制造商们别无选择,只能携手合作,重新打入海外市场。

10.But scratch just below the surface, and you'll see that drug makers are crazy pke a fox.但是透过现象看本质,你会发现制药商像狐狸一样狡猾。