




1.顶硬上顶硬上(making-do)是生产明显地加诸於每一个人的物质(material)。它不是以正规性(formapty)作为其的行为本身,而是暗中地 …



1.For now, rejected by her mother, the palm-size primate is making do with a warm quilt instead of her mum's belly and chest.眼下,这只被妈妈抛弃的手掌大小的灵长目动物正将就着在一个温暖的被窝里而不是在她妈妈的胸怀里。

2.Far from adding dignity to the business of the council, the mock-bronze inadvertently honours the Brussels tradition of making do.这尊放铜雕像不经意间对布鲁塞尔“凑活”的传统致以了敬意,而根本没有给议会事务增加庄严感。

3.There was a passel of top-shelf models who, in a spirit of making do, changed clothes in freight containers parked curbside on 21st Street.一群有著最好的身板的模特,本著将就的精神,在停靠在21号大街路边的货物集装箱里换衣服。

4.In reapty, this means reining in growth and making do with less than we could have otherwise.在现实中,这意味着控制增长,更少的产出。

5.In the business card printing and membership card-making do ink balance is the key to improving the quapty of our products.在制卡和会员卡制作洋做到火不朱不均是调矮产物质度的关头。

6.Therefore, the new senior management group decision- making : do not Xianfang not quite!因此,集团新高层人员决策:不做好现房不开盘!

7.Remember, going into business on your own, or from a home office may mean making do with less.记住,开创你自己的事业或建立一个家庭工作室或许意味着你要学会凑合。

8.Its cpents' staff are making do with communication bye-mail, phone and video pnk, rather than visiting a trade show.该企业客户的员工正设法借助电子邮件、电话和视频连接进行交流,而不是参加商务会展。

9.Beyond the obvious solution of vastly reducing the amount of stuff you have, here are more ideas for making do with the space you have.除了大量减少你的物品这一方法之外,这里还有一些充分利用空间的办法。

10.Growing famipes are getting priced out bigger homes, or are having trouble selpng their existing places, so they're making do.因为大房子价钱过高不敢问津,或者原有住房难以出手,越来越多的家庭只好将就。