


美式发音: ['mɑkoʊ] 英式发音: ['mɑ:kəʊ]




n.1.a small evergreen tree native to New Zealand that bears large clusters of reddish flowers.

1.马可 《飞来艳福》( The Fortune Cookie) 岩松信Mako) 《圣保罗炮艇》( The Sand Pebbl…

4.麻雀瓦舍 职业:降世神通,职业御术师( Pro-Bender) 姓名:马克Mako) 姓名:博林( Bopn) ...


1.Mako was one of the two main components in biologically enhancing members of SOLDIER.真子是两个生物提高士兵的成员主要组成部分之一。

2.He was a very big Mako shark built to swim as fast as the fastest fish in the sea and everything about him was beautiful except his jaws.这是一条巨大的鲭鲨,生来就跟海里游速最快的鱼游得一样快。它周身的一切都很美,除了上下颚。

3.He hopes that Mako will do the same and settle down with him, however it is still Iketani in her heart.他希望,倾家荡产也将这样做,并定居下来他的,但它仍然是池谷在她的心。

4.Two sharks, a whitetip and a mako, were captured and identified as the culprits, despite concern over the identification.一只白鳍鲨和一只灰鲭鲨被捕捉到并确认为凶手,尽管对该认定仍存疑虑。

5.They came. But they did not come as the Mako had come.它们来啦。但是它们来的方式和那条灰鲭鲨的不同。

6.An hour later he sighted the first shark. It was a fierce Mako, and it came in fast to slash with raking teeth at the dead marpn.一个小时以后,他瞧见了第一条鲨鱼。这是一条凶猛的尖吻鲭鲨。它飞快地游了过来,用耙一样的牙齿撕这条死枪鱼。

7.Several years ago, through reading Christianity Today, I learned of this artist, Mako Fujimura.在几年前,我透过读了今日基督教周刊,认识了一位画家叫做??

8.The third inspiration was a mako shark that Mitchell caught while deep-sea fishing.第三个启示是鲭鲨的米切尔,而深海捕鱼捕获。

9.The Japanese-American Mako Fujimura faced an unusual opportunity in the wake of the World Trade Center disaster.日裔美国艺术家藤村真于九一一惨剧发生后,有个极不寻常的机会。

10.Above, a mako shark is caught by fishermen outside Sydney Harbor in August 2006.上图,2006年8月份,在悉尼港一条尖吻鲭鲨被渔夫猎捕。