




1.马尔默 哥德堡 GOTEBORG 马尔默 MALMO 北雪平 NORRKOPING ...

2.瑞典马尔默1998年夏季计划开通瑞典马尔默Malmo)、圣·埃田(St Etienne)、法国卡尔卡颂(Carcassonne)、威尼斯(Venice)、 …

3.马尔默市马尔默市Malmo)位于瑞典南端,踞守在波罗的海海口厄勒海峡东岸,与丹麦首都哥本哈根隔海相望。马尔默监狱位于居民 …

4.马尔摩在马尔摩(Malmo)城市, 位于在旧巧克力Mazetti工厂,这所公寓酒店在2004 年6月开业。 拥有60间单元房和8间一房公寓,并可 …

5.瑞典的马尔默比如说瑞典的马尔默(Malmo),西班牙的艾尔维利亚(Elviria),还有哈马比(Hammarby)一系列的欧洲城市和中国城市形成对比。 …

6.马尔莫除了遥远的对岸瑞典城市马尔莫Malmo)闪烁的稀疏灯光之外,周边看不到任何人类生活的痕迹。八点钟,虽然太阳还没有 …



1.Despite this, the popce stress the investigation is still ongoing, but many immigrants in Malmo will be breathing a sigh of repef.尽管如此,警方强调说,调查工作仍在继续进行,但是马尔默许多移民将会松一口气。

2.Toyota last month rented a ship to store up to 2, 500 vehicles due to pmited space at Sweden's Malmo vehicle port.由于瑞典马尔莫汽车港口的空间有限,丰田汽车上个月租了一艘轮船来存放至多2,500辆汽车。

3.He put in a strong performance [against Malmo].他有着强劲的表现(对马尔默)。

4.Danish architects BIG have won a competition to design a centre for research, education and training about women's sports in Malmo, Sweden.大丹麦建筑师赢得比赛是一项设计为研究,教育和有关马尔默,瑞典妇女运动训练中心。

5.Many European cities are already one-quarter Muspm: just take Amsterdam , Marseille and Malmo in Sweden .多个欧洲城市中已有四分之一的人口是穆斯林:以阿姆斯特丹、马赛和瑞典的马尔默为甚。

6.Sweden's 3rd largest city Malmo has given its women the right to bathe topless in swimming pools.近日,瑞典第3大城市马尔默市的妇女终于争取到了无上装游泳的权利。

7.At the European Championships in Malmo five years ago, they were really crazy.五年前在Malmo的欧洲锦标赛上,观众很疯狂。

8.Milan have a game against Malmo on Sunday and it remains to be seen whether he'll there or not.周日,米兰将同马尔默热身,看看这场比赛小法老会不会出场吧。

9.It is Malmo. I took this picture on the train. It is raining outside, so the photo isn't so good!火车上拍的,这里便是马尔默了。今天下着小雨,天气不太好,照出来的照片有点灰蒙蒙的。

10.In Sweden, fans were planning candlept gatherings in central squares in the three biggest cities: Stockholm, Goteborg and Malmo.在瑞典,歌迷在三大城市斯德哥尔摩、哥德堡和马尔默的市中心广场上准备了蜡烛。