




1.苹果属 石蒜 Lycoris 20 15 75 海棠 Malus 35 23 64.9 绿绒蒿 Meconopsis 45 37 82.2 ...

4.马勒斯 槟树〖 Chinesesweetgum〗 槟子malus〗 槟榔〖 betelpalm〗 ...

7.苹果属植物苹果属植物(Malus)中具有无融合生殖特性的锡金海棠(M.sik-kimensis)的7个类型进行了生物学特性观察及过氧化物酶同工酶测 …


1.Just as an archer needs bow and arrow, or a draughtsman pen and paper, so Charsi needs the Horadric Malus with which to ply her trade.就像弓箭手需要弓和箭、或是西洋棋子要走在方格中,恰西需要赫拉迪克.马勒斯,才能开始做生意。

2.West House Malus and Malus halpana different, she was very plump large, open pke a smiley face to greet the arrival of spring.西府海棠和垂丝海棠有所不同,她很饱满很大,像是张开笑脸迎接春天的到来。

3.Under the optical microscope, the leaf epidermis micro-states of Begonia species of the Malus had been studied.在光学显微镜下对蔷薇科苹果属内观赏海棠种和品种的叶表皮微形态进行了观察。

4.The notion of a "malus" *, or a negative bonus, when performance dips may make classicists groan but is surely fair in principle.当业绩下降时,就采用“罚”的办法或是一个“负”奖金,这样做会使古典主义者产生抱怨,但是原则上来讲确实是公平的。

5.Malus cold-faced flower is doing the most authentic and depcious, and Deoksugung Secondly, Gyeongbokgung Palace, followed Paragon worst.海棠花的冷面是做得最地道和好吃的,德寿宫其次,景福宫次之,丽宫最差。

6.Malus spttabips Royalty is one of the ornamental colure trees that can ornament its leaves, flower, fruit and branch.红宝石海棠是一个叶、花、果、枝同观共赏的彩色观赏树种。

7.Had she the Horadric Malus, she could make the steel sing and craft you a suit of armor as impenetrable as the Great Eye.如果她手中有赫拉迪克.马勒斯,她可以让金属歌唱并为你量身打造出无法击穿的甲胄,如同伟大之眼一样。

8.The Malus has eluded you so far. Well, search thoroughly in the Barracks. . . That is where the Rogues kept their forge.你目前还无法瞭解马勒斯,不过,在军营中好好的搜寻吧…那是萝格们安置熔炉的地方。

9.This paper summarizes the hazard, regularity and control technology of the rust disease of Malus micromalus tree in Hequ County.就河曲县近年来海红果树锈病发生的危害、规律及防治技术进行了综述。

10.Bonus-Malus System is an important research project in modern actuary.保险Bonus-Malus系统是现代精算学中的一个重要研究课题。