




1.麦娜尔 天使 Malak 麦娜尔 Manar 灯塔 Manār ...

2.灯塔电视台 ... Manaar 马纳尔(湾),见大朗洋 Manar 马纳尔(岛),见马八儿屿 Mandala 曼德拉,见摩醯湿伐罗补罗 ...

4.曼哈顿经纪人协会10月17日,我所应邀参加了由曼哈顿经纪人协会MANAR)主办、亚洲亚裔地产联合会(AREAA)承办的“全球互联”房地产研 …


1.A week earper Manar had been sitting on my balcony with me, overlooking the square.一星期稍早,我与玛娜尔同坐在我家阳台,眺望著广场。

2.A few minutes later Um Foulan was at the door and Manar was hiding in my room under my bed.数分钟后,佛伦母亲赫然出现门口,玛娜尔仓皇地躲藏在我床底下。

3.Manar went to lay down on my bed and her uncle gave her a pill to "calm her down. "事后,玛娜尔躺卧在我床边。她叔叔拿着一颗药丸,说道:「服下这个,让她冷静」。

4.Manar told me the father had always loved his daughter dearly and he wrote back, forgiving her.玛娜尔接著说:那位父亲在回信中写道,会原谅女儿,并且会永远爱她。

5.My boyfriend said Manar's family probably followed Um Foulan, and were probably outside.我的男友认为,玛娜尔家人也许一路上都跟踪着佛伦的母亲。

6.That night I was watching a movie with Manar, Foulan, my roommate and my boyfriend when Foulan's mother called.佛伦母亲来电那晚,我正与玛娜尔、佛伦、室友和我的男友看电影。