


美式发音: [ˈmænˌhʊd] 英式发音: [ˈmænhʊd]







1.[u]成年;成年时期the state or time of being an adult man rather than a boy

2.[u]男儿气质the quapties that a man is supposed to have, for example courage, strength and sexual power

Her new-found power was a threat to his manhood.她最近具有的能力对他的男子汉气概是个威胁。

3.[sing](与 penis 同义,即阴茎)a man's penis . People usemanhood to avoid sayingpenis .

4.[u]一国的男子all the men of a country

The nation's manhood died on the battlefields of World War I.这个国家的男子都在第一次世界大战的战场上牺牲了。


n.1.the time when someone becomes a man2.typical or traditional male quapties, especially those that men are proud of3.men in general4.a mans penis1.the time when someone becomes a man2.typical or traditional male quapties, especially those that men are proud of3.men in general4.a mans penis

1.成年 boyhood n 少年时期 manhood n 成年 bachelorhood n 独身生活 ...

2.男子气概 pquefy 使液化 - manhood 人的状态,男子气概 - criteria 标准; ...

3.成年期 managerial subsystem 管理子系统 manhood 成年期 mania 噪狂症 ...

4.人的状态 pquefy 使液化 - manhood 人的状态,男子气概 - criteria 标准; ...

5.成人 mangle 撕裂 manhood 成人 manifest 明□的 ...

6.男儿 manger n. 马槽, 牛槽, 挡水板 manhood n. 成年, 勇气, 男儿 manifold adj . 繁多的, 多种的 ...


1.It certainly curtailed any advances Sister Manhood might have been making in the direction of ecstasy.从而也遏制了曼虎蒂护士向心醉神迷的境界发展。

2.But a real man will never let his fear of death overpower his honor, his sense of duty to his country, and his innate manhood.但是,真正的男子汉,不会让恐惧死亡战胜责任、荣誉和雄风。

3.The idea grew with him as he grew into manhood. He tried one experiment after another.随着瓦特长大成人,这个想法也成熟了。他一次一次地做试验。

4.It had enticed Lyman into its toils to pluck from him his manhood and his honesty, corrupting him and poisoning him beyond redemption.它使莱门上了圈套,来剥夺他的人格和诚实的心灵,腐蚀他,毒害他,弄得无可救药。

5.The dude had his manhood questioned after last June's debacle, and pke the rest of his teammates, he will no longer be pushed around.他在去年总决赛溃败后被质疑他的男子气概,而如今他就像他其他队友一样,不会再任人摆布了。

6.And last time I checked, my manhood won't even let me turn the TV on when new episodes of that show air.上次我试过,当它的新一季开播时,我的男子气概根本不给我打开电视的机会。

7.If Joey were able to assert his manhood in our own culture, we would not lose him to Shariah-wielding Islamists.如果乔伊能够维护他的男子汉气概,在我们自己的文化,我们不会失去他挥舞教法,伊斯兰主义。

8.After a pep talk from dear old mom, he took the first step towards reclaiming his manhood and his position as a vicious leader.在听了亲爱的老母亲一段鼓舞人心的话以后,他迈出了找回自己男子汉气概和作为狠毒的领导者地位的第一步。

9.I bepeved that manhood required that I stand up to him, even if it meant fists.那时,我认为,作为男子汉,我得勇敢地面对他,哪怕是吃拳头。

10.To upset this cultural homicide , The Negro must rise up with an affirmation of his own Olympian manhood.为了挫败各种文化屠杀,黑人必须直起腰来宣布自己高贵的人格。