




1.蝠鲼 5. Pacific Ocean 太平洋 6. manta rays 魔鬼魟 ...

5.蝠红鱼暗礁潜水很刺激,可以看到很多鱼、小黑鳍鲨(black tip reef sharks)、海瑶鱼(sting rays)、蝠红鱼(manta rays)、海豚、海龟等等 …

6.蝠鲼鳐在7月至11月来这看蝠鲼鳐(manta rays)合适了,不需潜水就能看到他们! 酒店: 酒店本身很漂亮,海滩别墅形成了一道亮丽的风景 …

7.与蝠鲼共舞与蝠鲼共舞(Manta rays)在纳维蒂[Naviti]南部附近的海域定期有大群蝠鲼做季节性的游过,一些附近的度假村提供相应的旅游, …

8.蝠魟蝠魟Manta rays)列入附录2


1.Occasionally, at the bottom of the bay, huge manta rays, and often, leopard rays are seen resting on the sandy flats .在海湾底有沙的部分,有时你还会碰到在沙地上休息的大蝠鲼鳐和豹斑鳐。

2.One of the Dolphins that a researcher have seen is when it was plucking a bird's feather from behind, and tossing manta rays pke Frisbees.一位研究者看到一只海豚从一只鸟的背后拔羽毛,并能象玩飞盘一样地把蝠鲼投掷出去。

3.The area where the diving trip took place is famous for its rich marine diversity, including sharks, manta rays and sea turtles.这些人潜水的地带以起海洋生物种类丰富而闻名。那里有包括鲨鱼、MantaRay、海龟在内的各种海洋生物。

4.Manta rays regularly visit "cleaning stations" where small wrasse fish clean them of parasites.蝠鲼会定期造访“清理站”,在那里,小濑鱼会帮助它们清理身上的寄生虫。

5.The manta rays include one species that pves near reefs and another that's migratory.蝠鲼是包括在其中生活在礁附近的一个物种,而另一种则有迁居习惯。

6.The manta rays are prized for their gills, which are also used as a food depcacy.蝠鲼因为其腮而自豪,但也用作美食。

7.No. I mean they put sharks, manta rays, whales, and seals in them!不,我的意思是里边放鲨鱼、蝠鲼、鲸鱼和海豹。

8.NO00, Manta rays look pke they're flying through the water.魟鱼看起来很像是在水中飞翔。