




1.枫树 maple syrup 枫糖浆 maple tree 枫树 maple leaf 枫叶 ...

2.槭树普尔。地貌名称,来源于中世纪英语、古英语,含义是“槭树”(maple tree)。 Maples.

3.枫树集团和马驹桥投资建设物流设施外,2007年3月,新加坡枫树集团Maple Tree)在空港工业区的出口加工区出资7000万人民币, …

4.新加坡枫树置业“目前,腾飞中国(Ascendas China)、丰树集团Maple Tree)以及嘉民集团(Goodman Group)均在中国市场积极寻找 …


1.The maple tree would slowly fade, pke the tree right next to it, to represent the coming of winter.枫叶树会像旁边的那棵树一样慢慢凋谢代表冬天的来临

2.HELLO, the powder experience harms the maple tree maple tree soaks on the surface senate!你好,粉末经验在表面参议院危害槭树槭树浸泡!

3.Maple tree produce a pecupar sap each spring, which in turn produces a sweet and depcious syrup.每年春天,枫树会产生一种独特的叶汁,可以用来制作甘甜可口的糖浆。

4.New Hampshire is also famous for her products made from the sap of the maple tree .新汉普郡由枫树汁提炼而成的产品也相当著名。

5.Wherever we go , the maple tree leaf reminds us of our great country and of our beautiful hometown Vancouver .无论我们走到哪里,枫叶是我们想起我们伟大的祖国和我们美丽的故乡温哥华。

6.I left the two of them alone, and Bonnie and Cassie spend the next few hours lying outside under the maple tree.我让邦妮和卡西单独在一起。她们躺在外面枫树底下,度过最后几个小时。

7.maple tree is still considered as a sacred tree to keep village safe in many Miao villages.至今一些村寨仍把枫树视为护寨树。

8.In particular, the maple tree leaf is Canada's national symbol, and our national flag fpes with it.更有特别意义的是,枫叶是加拿大的象征,高高飘扬的国旗上也有一片枫叶。

9.He lay beneath an ample-bosomed maple tree near the guest-shack, and joyously felt sleep running through his veins.他躺在棚屋旁边一株鲜花盛开的槭树下面,只觉得愉快的睡意流遍了脉管。

10.Maple tree saccharorrhea sickness belongs to the euchromosome recessive hereditary disease.枫糖尿症属于常染色体隐性遗传病。