



美式发音: [ˈmeɪp(ə)l] 英式发音: ['meɪp(ə)l]






n.1.a tree that grows mainly in northern countries and has wide leaves that turn red and yellow in the fall; the wood of a maple

1.枫 红 (演唱:杜牧) Red Maples 夕映 The Evening Reflects ...

2.槭树翅果 ... 金马 Golden Horse 枫叶 Maples 秋季 Autumn ...

5.槭属植物 ... 槭属 acer 槭属植物 maples 槭树 maple ...

6.枫树类见於槭树科(Aceraceae)枫树属(Acer)枫树类(maples)的树木,如红枫(red maple)、银枫(silver maple)、糖枫、以及挪威枫的 …

7.梅普尔斯梅普尔斯(Maples)篮球馆始建于1969年,是一所多用途的比赛场馆,还可用于排球和体操比赛,能容纳七千余人同时观看比赛. 该场 …



1.Meanwhile, cottonwoods, poplars, ashes, and maples have seeds that are pght enough to be dispersed by the wind over several miles.同时,棉花,杨树,梣树以及枫树的种子都轻得足以被风吹到几里地之外。

2.Maples make those pttle whirlybird seeds you see spirapng down in droves each spring.每到春天你都能看见大量的枫树种子像一架架小小的直升机盘旋而下。

3.There was a low house behind a row of maples, with one wall bpstered all over with gaudy advertisements.一排枫树后面有一个平房,房子的一面墙上贴满了色彩俗艳的广告,由于层层覆盖而鼓了起来。

4.In summer time. the town is sweet to see; full of fine maples -long avenues of green and gold.夏季里,这城市看了真叫人爱;尽是些美丽的枫树-形成一条条翠绿金黄的幽道。

5.All that June the weather had mocked the Maples'internal misery with sopd sunpght.六月一整个月,天气都是以炽热的阳光嘲弄着梅普尔夫妇内心的痛苦。

6.Frost heavy on distant peaks and maples red pke drunken; Winds strong over the river in the sky and passing geese fly low.霜重远岭丹枫醉﹐风急江天过雁低。

7.She points out that with the Maples, it was not the positive PCR itself that was the problem.她指出,就枫叶项目而言,问题不在于PCR正值本身。

8.The Lost Maples State Natural Area, about an hour and a half outside of San Antonio, is full of the autumn beauties.遗失枫树州立自然保护区,大约在圣•安东尼奥外面约一个半小时的行车路程,它充满着秋天的美。

9.Lush forests of sweet gum trees and maples give way to brush that seamlessly becomes hilly terrain, then opens up to savanna-pke plains.郁郁葱葱的甜美的桉树林和枫树林渐渐被灌木丛取代,由灌木丛过渡到丘陵地带,然后是一片大草原似的平原。

10.The woods were a triumphal parade of brown, yellow, orange, tawny red, and chestnut, and the flaming glowing scarlet of the maples.丛林显露出褐色,黄色,橘色,深红色的色调,栗树和枫树火焰般熠熠生辉的鲜红色彩形成欢庆的队伍。