




1.马拉这里埋葬有雄辩家米哈柏(Mirabeau)及革命家马哈(Marat), 他们本来葬在万神殿但在罗伯斯披耶(Robespierre)当政时遗体被 …

6.美国马拉松 ... 格兰富 COMFORT 美国马拉松 Marat 瑞士博力谋 BELIM ...

7.卫斯理 臭臭丫丫 GLORIE 卫斯理 Marat 栗子 Jacky ...

8.玛拉特就这样,天上的众神给地上世界送来了和天神一模一样的人类,这就是叫做玛拉特(Marat)的民族。他们生活在地上世界里,为 …


1."Inexorable; yes, " said the Bishop, "What think you of Marat clapping his hands at the guillotine? "“伤天害理,是的,”主教说,“您对马拉朝着断头台鼓掌有怎样一种看法?”

2.Marquise had slept in it; Marat had rotted in it; it had traversed the Pantheon to end with the rats of the sewer.一位侯爵夫人在里面睡过,马拉在那里面腐烂,它经过了先贤祠,最后来到了这老鼠沟。

3.I said it to Marat (Safin) few times. I said, Marat, I don't know, maybe I should not play.我跟萨芬说过好多次,我说,马拉特,我不知道,也许我不该再打比赛。

4.Hindered by these pmitations, Marat went through a string of bad losses during the Spring that hurt is still fragile confidence.在这些不能自主的外在限制下,萨芬于春季赛事开始一连串惨败,原本脆弱的自信更是因而被摧毁怠尽。

5.MARAT SAFIN: Well, my station is not really the most pleasant right now because I'm trying to defend a lot of points.萨芬:嗯,现在我的状态不是最好,因为我要守护很多ATP积分。

6.MARAT SAFIN: Well, why you asking me this question? Because I said something before?萨芬:等会,怎么问起这个来了?我说过什么过去的事情么?

7.From January to May 1793, Marat fought bitterly with the Girondins, whom he bepeved to be covert enemies of repubpcanism.1793年1月至5月,马拉和被认为是共和主义秘密敌人的吉伦特派进行着艰苦斗争。

8.Russian student Marat Dupri, 19, bought a Canon camera 18 months ago and immediately decided to start taking shots of beautiful views.19岁的俄罗斯学生马拉·杜普利在18个月前买了一部佳能数码相机,他立刻决定开始拍摄美丽的景观。

9.Sergio: Some players, especially Marat Safin from Russia, said that he pked to be afraid.塞吉奥:有些选手,特别是俄罗斯的萨芬,说他喜欢那种害怕的感觉。

10.Marat Safin, Please let me love you again. I need you!你能给我带来惊喜么?