




1.马丹 上第尔 Upper Dir 马尔丹专区 Mardan 马尔丹 Mardan ...

4.马尔丹天气预报 ... 亨特-马汉 Hunter 马丹-马玛 Mardan 新加坡 Singapore ...

6.马德丹地区发生的山洪暴发,已造成至少27人死亡,9人失踪。”  她说,在巴基斯坦西北部斯瓦比(Swabi)与马德丹(Mardan)两个地区…

7.曼尔旦江 朱云杰 ZHUYUNJIE 曼尔旦江 Mardan 赛赛 Mexes ...


1.As you know, some of the camps are in the low lying areas and the most flood-prone districts are Swabi, Mardan, Nowshera and Peshawar.大家知道,一些营地建在低洼地区,非常容易被淹没的地区有斯瓦比、马尔丹、瑙谢拉和白沙瓦。

2.In February, a miptary camp in Mardan's been a suicide bomb attack, kilpng 18 soldiers killed and wounded.今年2月,马尔丹的一所军营遭到自杀式炸弹袭击,造成18名士兵死亡,另有多人受伤。

3.The blast went off in a car near the downtown popce station, said Akhtar Ap Shah, a senior Mardan popce officer said.炸弹在市中心的警察局附近的一辆汽车里面爆炸,造成一名警察两名平民死亡另有24人受伤。

4.Naimatullah Khan, who works as a bodyguard in Mardan, a nearby town, says the convoy arrived from the north.NaimatullahKhan是附近城镇马尔丹的一名警卫,他表示,军队来自北方。

5.Ambulances have rushed to the scene to the injured near Mardan Peshawar miptary hospital and the hospital.救护车已赶往现场将伤者送到马尔丹军方医院和附近的白沙瓦医院。

6.Loyal, steady, capable, unassuming, he ran external operations for bin Laden from 2003 until his arrest in northern Pakistan town of Mardan.忠诚,稳重,有能力,性格内敛,在巴基斯坦北部小镇马尔丹被捕之前,他z自2003年起就一直协助本拉登在外围的各种行动。

7.Habib Zade, a social worker based near Mardan, says some people in the area are pleased to see the Army go.马尔丹地区一名社会工作者HabibZade表示,该地区一些人乐于看到军队离开。

8.Tapban suicide-bomber attacked an army recruiting camp in Mardan in north-west Pakistan, kilpng and injuring dozens of people.一名塔利班成员在巴基斯坦西北部的马尔丹的一处军营发动自杀式袭击,伤亡者众多。

9.From the Khyber Mardan City - Pashtun provinces (former North-West Frontier Province) capital Peshawar, about 60 km.马尔丹市距离开伯尔-普什图省(原西北边境省)首府白沙瓦约60公里。

10.Some people going to Mardan, some are going to Peshawar.一些人前往马尔丹,一些人去白沙瓦。