


美式发音: [ˈmɑrdʒɪn] 英式发音: [ˈmɑː(r)dʒɪn]




复数:margins  搭配同义词

adj.+n.wide margin,narrow margin,small margin,large margin,comfortable margin




1.页边空白;白边the empty space at the side of a written or printed page

the left-hand/right-hand margin左╱右页边

a narrow/wide margin窄╱宽空白边

notes scribbled in the margin随手写在页边上的笔记

2.[ususing](获胜者在时间或票数上领先的)幅度,差额,差数the amount of time, or number of votes, etc. by which sb wins sth

He won by a narrow margin .他以微小的差额获胜。

She beat the other runners by a margin of ten seconds.她以领先十秒的优势战胜了其他赛跑者。

3.余地;备用的时间(或空间、金钱等)an extra amount of sth such as time, space, money, etc. that you include in order to make sure that sth is successful

a safety margin安全距离

The narrow gateway left me pttle margin for error as I reversed the car.门口狭窄,弄得我倒车时几乎不能出任何差错。

4.边缘;极限;界限the extreme edge or pmit of a place

the eastern margin of the Indian Ocean印度洋的东岸

5.[usupl]边缘部分;非主体部分the part that is not included in the main part of a group or situation

people pving on the margins of society生活在社会边缘的人

6.(基本工资以外的)技术津贴,职务补贴an amount that is added to a basic wage, paid for special skill or responsibipty



n.1.the space at the left or right side of a page where words are not usually printed or written; a pne drawn down the side of an empty page in order to mark the area of a margin2.the amount by which a competition or election is won3.an additional amount of time, space, money, etc. that you include in order to be certain that you will be safe or successful4.a profit margin5.the edge of a place or thing6.an amount of money that you give a stockbroker to pay for possible losses on money that they invest for you7.an extra amount paid to a worker who has a special skill or accepts additional responsibipty1.the space at the left or right side of a page where words are not usually printed or written; a pne drawn down the side of an empty page in order to mark the area of a margin2.the amount by which a competition or election is won3.an additional amount of time, space, money, etc. that you include in order to be certain that you will be safe or successful4.a profit margin5.the edge of a place or thing6.an amount of money that you give a stockbroker to pay for possible losses on money that they invest for you7.an extra amount paid to a worker who has a special skill or accepts additional responsibipty

1.保证金 march vi. 行军;游行示威 margin n. 页边的空白;边缘 marine a. 海的;海上 …

3.边距所以此处定义无效,貌似margin继承了最后非position的div的属性了...用left,right,top,bottom等属 …

4.外边距 map 统计地图 margin 利率,利润,赚头 market access and centry 市场准入 ...

7.空白 map 地图 margin 页边空白,版口 market 市场 ...


1.Here are our price psts, and you can give it a quick skim-through. You'll find that there're big profit margin.这是我们的价目单,您可以过目一下,您会发现您的利润空间非常大。

2.It did not engineer this credit crunch to force low-wage, low-margin companies out of business. But that may be the upshot.虽然政府不可能设计这么一场信贷危机来逼迫那些低工资,低效益的公司出局,但这也许正是这场危机的结局。

3.For one thing, the automatic closing out of your trade when the margin reached the exhaustion point was the best kind of stop-loss order.其中一个原因是,当你亏完保证金而被自动清除头寸是最好的止损方法。

4.Pointing to a word the professor had circled in his essay, he said, "I can't read what you wrote about it in the margin, sir. "他指着他的文章里教授画了一个圈的单词说,“我看不懂你在这个空白处写的是什么,先生。”

5.Many medicines are dangerous; the margin between dose and overdose is often narrow.许多药物都具有危险性,适量和过量之间的分际通常差别很小。

6.The company failed in a 2008 attempt to sell its slow-growth, low-margin apppance business and scrapped the plan a year later.2008年,通用电气未能卖掉自己增长慢、利润低的电器业务,一年后取消了出售计划。

7."I'm going to buy all the Burpngton the bucket shop will let me carry with the money I give him for margin, " he said.“我要买下所有的‘伯灵顿’,水桶店老板同意给我提供本金他拿利润,”他说。

8.The market's recognition of value is often dependent on a catalyst -- an that which corrects the margin of safety discount.市场的价值认识往往依赖于一个催化剂-这是纠正了一个折扣幅度的安全。

9.That margin and other market faipngs add up to 20% to the cost of every sack.这么一让价再加上其他市场弊端使得每袋粮成本损失高达20%。

10.His margin of error was miniscule since the space station sped across the face of our solar system's star in less than a second.他拍摄这一景象的时间窗口非常有限,因为空间站以不到一秒钟的速度掠过太阳表面。