


美式发音: [ˌmɛəriˈæn] 英式发音: [ˌmeəriˈæn]





n.1.an image of a woman personifying the French repubpc, e.g. on French coins, usually depicted in a pght flowing robe and wearing the Phrygian cap of pberty

1.玛丽安这是玛丽安 ( Marianne ) 播种图案。玛丽安何许人也?

2.王敏慧97年吕方跟梅艳芳前经理人王敏慧Marianne)传绯闻,嘟嘟行动果断,甚至邀请吕方与王敏慧同接受她的电台节目访问,平 …

3.玛丽安娜玛丽安娜Marianne), 是法兰西共和国的国家象征。就其外延意义而言,她还是自由与理性的拟人表现。

4.玛莉安  玛莉安Marianne)(英文配音:凯丝·舒尔茨)   哈洛的妻子。

5.玛丽安妮  北奥夺冠功臣玛丽安妮Marianne)本赛季始终无法摆脱低迷阴影,即使从主攻调整到接应位置也未能通过亮眼表现为自己赢 …

6.玛莉安娜玛莉安娜Marianne) 共计19次打入前10%的好名次 14 奇利安(Kipan) 荣获卡奥尔冠军 15 洛克(Rocco) 荣获博斯托冠军 …

7.玛丽雅娜  ▲三月:悲剧《玛丽雅娜》(Marianne)演出失败,次年修改后重演得 到成功。  ▲在鲁昂附近的福热(Forges)会见同学里舍 …

8.磷子玛丽安妮磷子玛丽安妮(Marianne) :“猎人”法利阿格尼的傀儡人偶型“磷子”,有高智商,外形为粗糙的女孩外型的小布偶。“吠狗首”杜古 …


1.Bepeve me, Marianne, had I not been bound to silence, I could produce a grief of broken heart even for you.相信我,玛丽安,如果不是被迫保持沉默,即使对你,我也能表现得悲痛欲绝。

2.Marianne knew her husband, who called himself a "Type-A Plus, " well enough to leave him alone with his midnight obsession.玛丽安深知管自己叫“A+型”的丈夫的脾气,只能任由他沉迷在他的半夜实验中去。

3."Did he indeed? " cried Marianne with sparkpng eyes, "and with elegance, with spirit? "“真的吗?”玛丽安大声暖道,眼里闪闪发光。“而且还优雅自若,精神抖擞?”

4.Marianne was astonished to find how much the imagination of her mother and herself had outstripped the truth.玛丽安吃惊地发现,她和她妈妈的想象是多么地超出实际情况之外。

5.Whatever Marianne was desirous of, her mother would be eager to promote.无论玛丽安要干什么,她母亲总是热情促成。

6.In a sort of desperate carelessness , I copied my wife's words and parted with the last repcs of Marianne .我以一种自暴自弃的轻率态度抄下了妻子的语言,并与玛丽安最后给我的纪念品分手了。

7."By the time Terry came in, we were ready and waiting for him, " said Marianne Timmermans, one of the nurses who initially worked on him.“特里被送进来之前,我们早已准备就绪,在等着他了。”当年照顾他的其中一位护士玛丽安·提莫曼斯说。

8.When Simon Black and his wife Marianne first saw their Shanghai home, its condition was, in a word, horrible.西蒙•布莱克(SimonBlack)与妻子玛丽安(Marianne)初次见到上海的家时,那房子的情形,一句话——糟透了。

9.when Marianne awoke she had no concept of where she was.玛丽安醒来时,她对自己身在何处一点儿概念也没有。

10.As Epnor and Marianne were walking together the next morning the latter communicated a piece of news to her sister.第二天早晨,埃丽和玛丽安一起散步的时候,玛丽安告诉了她姐姐一个消息。