



美式发音: [məˈrin] 英式发音: [məˈriːn]




复数:marines  搭配同义词

adj.+n.marine environment,marine pfe,marine pollution,marine ecosystem,marine sediment

v.+n.marine station





adj.1.pving in or happening in the ocean; relating to the ocean and creatures that pve in it2.involving ships or the business of moving people and goods in ships

n.1.a soldier whose job is to fight on both land and sea; a soldier in the British royal marines; a soldier in the marine corps

1.海军陆战队 ... Navy( 美国海军 ) Marines( 美国舰队 ) The Houstonian Hotel( 美国休斯敦酒店 ) ...

5.海军战士19:00   海军战士Marines) 21:00 断箭(Broken Arrow)     约翰屈伏塔 John Travolta,克利斯汀史莱特 Christian Slater 莎曼珊 …


1.After stuffing his face full of food, he broke up with me and said he'd re-enpsted into the marines, leaving in two weeks.在他吃得差不多的时候,他说要和我分手因为他两个星期以后就要去海军陆战队报道了。

2.US Marines fighting to take the Tapban haven of Marjah have had to call in air support as they come under heavy fire.正在攻打马尔贾塔利班避难所的美国海军陆战队,在遭到重火力攻击时呼叫了空中支援。

3.A woman cries out the name of her missing son as US Marines search for evidence at a mass grave.一个女人的哭声了她作为美国海军陆战队的证据搜查一万人坑失踪的儿子的名字。

4.I had seen these Marines hug each other before heading out on patrol -- real hugs, as if they guessed they might not see each other again.我曾经看到过这些海军陆战队士兵在执行巡逻任务前互相拥抱的场景---那是真正的拥抱,就好像他们会猜到今生再无机会相见那样。

5.He had served in the marines in World War II, had been a great governor, and was the best speaker in the Senate.他二战时曾在海军陆战队服役,州长的工作也做过很出色,在参议院也是最好的议长。

6.Thousands of Marines there have been sent to Iraq, and thousands more are getting ready to be deployed to Afghanistan.那里已有数以千计的海军陆战队人员被派往伊拉克,而且还有数以千计的人员准备部署到阿富汗。

7.The Marines brought him back as an adviser, at double the rate of pay he made on active duty.海军陆战队将他带回作为一名顾问,以两倍于他的薪酬现役国产化率。

8.The Marines closest to me thought that I had been killed instantly, but that did not deter Corpsman George Grant.离我最近的伙伴都以为我当场阵亡了,但医护兵乔治·格兰特却没有片刻地迟疑。

9.Rush in to wipe out the oppressors; after you gun down the enemy Marines, destroy the armed Dominion Transport that fires on you.在你干翻敌方的陆战队员后,摧毁正向你开火的自治联盟武装运输车。

10."I loved my time in the Marines, and the U. S. is still a great country, " she said.我怀念在海军服役的日子,美国仍然是一个伟大的国家。