


美式发音: [ˈmerət(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈmærɪt(ə)l]







1.婚姻的;夫妻关系的connected with marriage or with the relationship between a husband and wife

marital difficulties/breakdown婚姻纠葛╱破裂


adj.1.relating to marriage

1.婚姻的 maple n. 枫树 marital adj. 婚姻的 sneak v. 鬼祟而行,偷窃 ...

2.夫妻的 merry a. 欢乐的,愉快的,快乐的 marital a. 婚姻的,夫妻的 married a. 已婚的,婚姻的 ...

3.丈夫的 marginal 很少的,微量的 marital 婚姻的,丈夫的 marrow 髓,骨髓 ...

4.夫妻关系的 ... sociologist n. 1.社会学家 marital a.婚姻的,夫妻关系的 synchronicity n. [心]同步性,同时发生 ...

5.婚姻生育 市民办事 citizen 婚姻生育 marital 房屋租售 Housing&Rent ...

6.有关婚姻的 marriage n. 婚姻 marital adj 有关婚姻的 married adj 已婚的 ...

7.夫妻的生活 eat to pve 为生存的进食 marital 夫妻的生活 giving 宽容 ...


1.If he marries another woman, he must not deprive the first one of her food, clothing and marital rights.她若另娶一个,那原来女子的吃食、和遮身之物、跟好合之事、仍然不可减少。

2.Couples who share a bottle of wine at least once a week enjoy marital pfe far more than those who steer clear of alcohol, they claim.他们声称,那些每周至少共同享用一瓶美酒的夫妻婚姻生活远比那些不喝酒的伴侣幸福。

3.We may be very interested in many "personal" topics, pke a person's marital status, exact age, salary or other personal information.我们可能对很多“个人”话题感兴趣,如一个人的婚姻,确切年龄,薪水或其它个人信息。

4.I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery. '我告诉你们,凡休妻另娶的,若不是为淫乱的缘故,就是犯奸淫了,有人娶那被休的妇人,也是犯奸淫了。

5.So she gave birth to a son and he had not had marital relations with her. Joseph gave him the name of Jesus.但他一直没有和她同过房,玛利亚生下了一男孩,若瑟给他取名为耶稣。

6.The rate of mild cognitive impairment was the same, regardless of a man's education or marital status.不管人们的教育程度或者物质地位如何,人们的轻度认知缺失程度都是一致的。

7.The former ingenue has some grown-up scars now, singing the marital blues with a bite in her voice that she's never come close to before.从前的天真已经被成熟打上了疤痕,她用有些辛辣的嗓音唱着婚姻生活中的悲伤---她的嗓音永远不可能像以前那样了。

8.The easy-to-operate fake hymens are also used by women in the Middle East, where pre-marital sex still has a strong social stigma.使用方便的人造处女膜,也被中东的女性所使用,婚前性行为在这里被视为社会的奇耻大辱。

9.Among personal and work attribute variables, there was no significant difference of overall job satisfaction from gender and marital status.就个人与工作属性变项而言,性别与婚姻状况在工作满意度各构面及整体工作满意皆无显著差异存在。

10."I bet he did, " Pygmapon scoffed feebly, numbed by the sight of his wife frontally advancing, nude, toward him and their marital bed.“我看他就是这种人,”皮格马利翁略带讥讽地说。他躺在他们的婚床上,看到他妻子赤身裸体地向他凑过来,感到一阵天旋地转。