




1.市场投放 ... Pilot phase 试验阶段 Market launch 市场投放 Market growth maturity 市场发展成 …


3.产品上市 ... 产品上市 : Product Introduction 产品上市Market launch 产品上市时间 : Time to Market ...


1.The Company under the needs of the market launch of new products UPVC new high-tech barrier.本公司根据市场需要又推出高科技新产品UPVC新型护栏。

2网站屏蔽e: market launch of the multimedia TV can be connected to a computer.用途:市面上推出的多媒体彩电,可与计算机相连。

3.Actively assisted by information disclosure system, market launch system and relevant punishment.积极辅之以信息披露制度、市场推出制度以及相关惩罚措施。

4.Thus achieving maximum efficiency and effectiveness before market launch.因此才能在产品发布之前获得最大的效能和作用。

5.' He had previously managed the musical market launch of the Audi Q7, so matching music with cars wasn't new for Mandoki.他曾管理的音乐市场推出的奥迪Q7,因此匹配的音乐,车是不是新的曼杜奇。

6.This pkely means the new ML model will have its market launch in 2012 possibly as a 2013 model year.这可能意味着新的民盟模型将其市场在2012年发射可能作为2013年车型年。

7.For example, if you're opening a store in a different region, your business can use Groupon as a market launch tactic.例如,如果你在新地区开设门店,就可以把团购网当做一个市场进入策略。

8.If the market launch of an organic beer introduced from abroad, Will you be interested to buy?如果市面上推出一只由外国引入的有机啤酒你会有兴趣购买吗?。

9.What is speculated a lot is that the production coupe will be shown at the 2009 Tokyo Motor Show in preparation for its 2011 market launch.什么是猜测很多是生产跑车将显示在2009年东京汽车展,以筹备其2011年推出市场。

10.In addition you mentioned Hong Kong agents three years and then China market launch of a lot of money and time.另外你们提到的香港代理商三年来再中国市场投入了大量的金钱和时间。