




1.市场分割理论 ... 预期假说 expectation theory 分割市场理论 market segmentation theory 流动性升水理论 pquidity premium theory ...

7.市场区域理论ity Preference Theory) 三、市场划分理论Market Segmentation Theory) 77 第二节 利率的期间结构 一、预期理论(The …


1.The labor market is divided into the main labor market and the secondary labor market by dual-labor market segmentation theory.二元劳动力市场分割理论把劳动力市场分为主要劳动力市场和次要劳动力市场。

2.This model became the representative model of labor market segmentation theory.该模型成为劳动力市场分割理论的典型代表。

3.Then what factors result in unfree flow of labor among different industries? We can find explanation from labor market segmentation theory.那么是什么因素导致人才没有在各行业间自由流动呢?劳动力市场分割理论对此现象作出了解释,本文根据原因提出了相应的建议。

4.market segmentation theory segmented markets theory分割市场理论

5.Finally, based on the tourism market segmentation theory, "after 80s" tourism motivations will be treated as classified variables;最后,基于旅游市场细分理论,以“80后”旅游动机为分类变量;

6.Cause of Formation for Civil Servants'Revenue Decision Mechanism in China: An Explanation Based on Labor Market Segmentation Theory我国公务员工资收入决定机制成因:一个基于劳动力市场分割理论的定性解释