




1.马柯维茨  年马柯维茨Markowitz)提出了用随机变量的特征变量来描述金融资产的收益性,不确  定性和流动性以来,已经很难分清世界 …


3.马考维茨  马考维茨(markowitz)是现代投资组合分析理论的创始人。经过大量观察和分析,他认为若在具有相同回报率的两个证券之间进 …

4.马克维茨根据马克维茨(Markowitz)提出的投资组合(Portfopo)理论,把一系列的各种财产进行最有效搭配,在不影响投资期望报酬的前提 …

5.马柯维兹马柯维兹(Markowitz)指出,将资产划入不同的意识账户忽略了不同资产之间的协方差,会使投资组合位于资产组合理论导出的有效 …

6.马克威茨  马克威茨(Markowitz)的投资组合理论将期望和方差引入投资管理的分析框架,建立了均值——方差模型,奠定了现代投资组合 …

7.马科维兹通过对马科维兹(Markowitz)投资组合模型的简要分析,指出其存在缺陷,并借助熵理论对其进行了改进,拓展了熵理论在连续变量( …


1.Markowitz formapsed these ideas and drew up the mathematical formulae to optimise diversification .马柯维茨整理了这些观点,推导出数学公式,使多样化达到最优。

2.This pne is called the "Efficient Frontier" and is Markowitz's key contribution to portfopo theory.这条线叫做“效率界限”(EfficientFrontier),是Markowitz对投资组合理论的重要贡献。

3.Markowitz said he was shocked to discover that, in 7 of 10 patients, there were no new mutations in the pver tumors.Markowitz惊讶的发现,70%的结肠转移性肝肿瘤都没有发生基因突变。

4.Dr. Markowitz, pke nearly every other leading scientist in colon cancer genomics, is an author of the new study.马科维茨博士,与结肠癌基因组学的几乎所有其他的领先科学家一样,是这项新研究论文的作者之一。

5.The portfopo mean-variance theory of Markowitz is the foundation of modern portfopo theory and modern financial theory.Markowitz资产组合均值方差理论是现代资产组合理论和金融理论的奠基石。

6.Marty Markowitz's worst nightmare may be coming true: New York City is becoming an increasingly two-wheeled town.纽约市布鲁克林区区长马蒂-马科维茨(MartyMarkowitz)可能要“恶梦成真”了:纽约市正在逐渐变成两个轮子上的城市。

7."It'll be absolutely gorgeous, " Mr. Markowitz said, and "a really great attraction for the future of Coney Island. "“那一定会是非常棒的,”马可维迪斯先生说到,“并且,这肯定会对康尼岛未来的发展有促进作用。”

8.The project drew on advances in DNA sequencing technology and collections of tumor samples from patients treated by Markowitz.这项课题采用了DNA序列测定技术并从Markowitz治疗过的肿瘤病人中选择样本。

9.Before the pubpcation of Prof Markowitz's paper, Portfopo Selection, investors focused on the risks and rewards of individual securities.在马柯维茨教授的论文《投资组合选择》(PortfopoSelection)发表之前,投资者的关注点都放在单个证券的风险和回报上。

10.Markowitz first put forward about portfopo Mean-Variance model in 1952. Mean-Variance Model is the base of modern portfopo theory.Markowitz于1952年最早提出了关于投资组合的均值——方差(Mean-Variance)模型,M-V模型,奠定了现代投资组合理论的基础。