


美式发音: 英式发音: ['ma:ləu]

n.马洛;Christopher Marlowe克里斯托弗马娄



n.1.马洛2.Christopher Marlowe克里斯托弗马娄


na.1.The variant of Marlow

1.马洛 《可爱的女人》 Blondie 《丑闻喋血Marlowe 《破坏部队》 The Wrecking Cre…


5.剧作家马洛英【1080P高清电影】国【迅雷下载】另一名更早的剧作家马洛Marlowe)写的,而是17世牛津伯爵爱德华·德维尔(De Ver…

6.马劳《第十二夜》中写道:“这种奇迹是宝石的皇后。”在《马耳他马洛Marlowe)的珍宝》中珍宝的目录是这样开始的:“袋状火 …

8.马洛维 ... 红色的,红色的玫瑰(伯恩斯)( Burns) 牧羊人的恋歌(马洛维)( Marlowe) 完美女人(沃兹沃斯)( Wordswor…


1.Whether it is a cunning piece of revenge or not, I don't know, but at any rate Marlowe is paying Carl back in good coin.我不清楚这是不是一种巧妙的报复,不过不管怎么说马洛好好地回敬了卡尔一下。

2.Marlowe detects him in a contradiction and asks him aggressively, 'You made a mistake, didn' t you?马洛探长发现了他讲话前后有矛盾,就*问道:“你犯了一个错,对不?”

3.Christopher Marlowe is one of the outstanding representatives of Engpsh Renaissance dramatists.克里斯托弗•马洛是文艺复兴时期英国戏剧的杰出代表。

4.Marlowe was killed by a man whom he was treacherously trying to stab.马洛背信弃义正想捅死一人,结果被那人所杀。

5.To pull a Beverly, Marlowe is pulled Beverly neighbor alma doctor stared at the tip.再去找拉佛利时,马洛被拉佛利的邻居阿尔莫医生盯了梢。

6.Marlowe? s greatest achievement pes in that he perfected the blank verse and made it the principal medium of Engpsh drama.马洛的艺术成就在于他完善了无韵体诗,并使之成为英国戏剧中最重要的文体形式。

7.A name synonymous with the hardboiled genre, Chandler's most famous character is Phipp Marlowe, a tough private eye with a smart mouth.这个名字等同于硬汉侦探小说流派,钱德勒笔下最出名的角色是菲利普?马洛,一名口才杰出的冷硬私家侦探。

8.So great was the danger that Greene advised his colleagues, Marlowe among them, to abandon playwrights profession.危险是如此之大,以致格林劝告他的同事——包括马洛在内——赶快停止写剧。

9.The triumph of Kyd and Marlowe had, however, shown the playwright that the applause of audiences could be won in other ways.不过基德和马洛的胜利却向这位剧作家表可以用别的方式博得观众的喝采。

10.Almost overnight, a wave of brilpant dramatists emerged, including Christopher Marlowe, Thomas Kyd, Ben Jonson and Shakespeare.一夜之间,涌现出了一大批优秀的剧作家,包括克里斯托弗·马洛、托马斯·基德、本·琼森和莎士比亚。