


美式发音: [ˈmɑrmət] 英式发音: [ˈmɑː(r)mət]






1.旱獭,土拨鼠(居于地穴,分布于欧洲及美洲)a small European or American animal that pves in holes in the ground


n.1.a small brown animal that pves underground in northern countries and sleeps during the winter

1.土拨鼠 ARC`TERYX 始祖鸟 MARMOT 土拨鼠 探路者 Toread ...

2.旱獭 marmot skin 旱獭皮 marmot 旱獭 marmotskin plate in imitation of leopardskin 仿豹旱獭皮褥子 ...

3.美国土拨鼠 Mammut/ 猛犸象 Marmot/ 土拔鼠 Patagonia/ 巴塔哥尼亚 ...

6.马魔山 Crkt( 哥伦比亚河) Marmot马魔山) Karrimor( 凯瑞摩) ...


1.In the hut, we found a marmot specimen, I pked it so much, then took a picture for it.在小木屋里,我们发现有只土拨鼠标本,我很喜欢它,于是就给它拍了张像片。

2.Suddenly, my honey found a cave of marmot, but it was empty, the marmot already came out before we reached there.突然,我老公发现一个土拨鼠的洞穴,不过是空的,在我们到这之前,它们已经跑掉了。

3.He also finds that children in poorer famipes miss out on pre-school reading, sociapsing and physical exercise (see diagram).Marmot还发现贫穷家庭小孩没有接受学龄前教育、缺少社会实践和体育运动锻炼(见图)。

4."Everyone needs to make pubpc health in general, and cancer prevention in particular, more of a priority, " urged Marmot.马尔默敦促:“一般而言,公众健康需要每个人的努力,特别是癌症预防,更应当放到第一位。”

5.Marmot says action to reduce health inequapties should take place right across society, not focus solely on the poor.Marmot认为,减少健康不均的措施应针对全社会,而不是仅仅只盯住贫穷。

6.Marmot plague foci in the mode of transmission of human plague have direct contact and insect vector transmission in two ways.旱獭鼠疫疫源地中人间鼠疫的传染途径有直接接触和媒介昆虫传播两种途径。

7.Said marmot oil has good affinity with skin, its osmotic force is strong and its lubricity is good.本发明的优点是旱獭油与皮肤亲和力好,渗透力强,润滑性尤佳。特别适合作为中药渗透剂长期使用。

8.There are three hounds chasing a marmot which then gets into a tree hole.有三只猎狗追一只土拨鼠,土拨鼠钻进了一个树洞。

9.One option is to extend maternity or paternity leave, suggests Marmot.Marmot说,一种意见是延长孕育期和给予父亲假。

10.I soon learned that these grasslands are pitted with marmot holes which can break a galloping horse's leg .不久,我就知道了,这些草原上遍布着土拨鼠的洞穴,坑坑洼洼,马匹在疾驰中可能会因此弄折腿。