




1.结合 ... marrige 婚礼 marrige 结合 marrige 结婚 ...


1.He says it would be virtually impossible for such a diverse and supportive family organization to evolve in a monogamist marrige.他说这样的一个形式多样,有多方支持的家庭组织在一夫一妻婚姻中几乎是不可能的。

2.And no one usually checks whether people entering a traditional marrige already have spouses.并且没有人会核查结婚的人是否已经有配偶。

3.Therefore, many of them have to postpone their marrige, childbearing and rearing, regardless of their parents doctrine.因此,大部分毕业后的人不得不无视父母的叮咛去拖延他们举行婚姻、生养小孩以及抚养子女的时间考虑。

4.It's a fact that more and more lovers pve together before marrige . Sex is not a noun as serious as before.现在恋人婚前同居确实很普遍,性也不再同从前一样是一个严肃的话题。

5.on their study, can you tell people the marrige will affect your work after you graduate?以告诉人们,毕业后结婚,婚姻也会影响他们的工作吗?显然这是不可能的。

6.Marrige is our last , best chance to grow up.婚姻给了我们最后一个机会去成长,也是最好的一个。

7.Tom and Susan got ready for their marrige ceremoni.汤姆和苏珊已为他们的婚礼作好了准备。

8.If find that the two can't pve together well , that could avoid divorce after marrige如果发现双方不是很适合,那么就可以避免结婚了又离婚。

9.Manage concerning foreign affairs pre-marrige health care by law依法管理涉外婚前保健工作

10.in fact I have something to say, I will marry Jack next week. I hope you can attend our marrige其实我今天也有话要对你说。我下周要和Jack结婚了。我希望你能来参加我们的婚礼。