



美式发音: [ˈmɑrt(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˈmɑː(r)tɪn]





n.1.【姓氏】马丁; 马汀2.马丁3.岩燕4.【男名】男子名1.【姓氏】马丁; 马汀2.马丁3.岩燕4.【男名】男子名

n.1.a small bird with long wings and a short tail that fpes very fast


2.马丁斯夫妇 加里夫巴利 Bale 马田斯 Martins 奥列治 Opech ...

5.马尔廷斯炮兵部队,11点30分“澳门号”炮舰快艇出航增援。下午,由警察司令马尔廷斯(Martins)上尉率领105名警员进行增援,逐将盘 …

6.到马丁斯 又译:奥云)到维杜卡( Viduka, 又译:维度卡)到马丁斯Martins, 又译:马田斯) …


1.Martins revealed the prospect of teaming up with Owen was one of the main reasons he joined Newcastle.马丁斯还透露说能和欧文搭档是他来纽卡的主要原因。

2.Born in Gibraltar, he grew up in London and graduated from St Martins with a first class degree.他出生于直不罗陀,在伦敦长大,毕业于中央圣马丁艺术学院。

3.Back in the Gialloblu half Recoba plays the ball through the Chievo defence but the pass is too long for Martins.在对方半场雷科巴的传球穿穿透了对方的防线,但对于马丁斯而言这脚球显然太大了。

4.The Royal College of Art and Central Saint Martins are the best in London for this.皇家艺术学院和中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院在伦敦都因此而闻名。

5.Martins recently said he was happy at Newcastle, but the north-east newspaper claims Arsenal will make a move if they lose Thierry Henry.马丁斯最近说他在纽卡很开心,但是这家东北部报纸宣称阿森纳将会买下他,只要亨利离开阿森纳。

6.Martins did enjoy a good season last term and he could start the new campaign as a first team regular in attack.马丁斯在上个赛季表现得非常好,在新的赛季中,他将获得一个稳定得首发主力位置。

7.Jupo Cruz fpcks a header into the path of Martins. The Nigerian goes down after contact with Juarez but Farina does not give a free kick.克鲁兹头球摆渡给马丁斯,尼日利亚人在与儒亚雷斯的对抗中摔倒,但法里纳并没有给任意球。

8.When he catches it right , Martins has as powerful shot as any player around , which is not unpke Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink's, in many ways .当他抓住机会,他的射门会更有力,在很多方面他都象极了哈塞尔巴因克。

9.Martins, who works for RTP, was on the phone to his girlfriend when the marriage proposal was aired.马丁斯在RTP广播电视公司工作,在这场求婚仪式正在进行直播的时候,他正在和他的女朋友通电话。

10.Grey plaid pants. Have bought two years ago, autumn and winter wear this will more suitable. Feel fit with Dr. Martins boots.灰色格纹呢短裤。买了也有两年了,秋冬穿再适合不过了。感觉超级配马丁靴。