


美式发音: [mɑrv] 英式发音: [mɑ:v]

abbr.(=manoeuvring re-entry vehicle)【军】机动重返大气层运载工具

网络释义:马福;马弗;Mammoth Armed Reclamation Vehicle


abbr.1.【军】(=manoeuvring re-entry vehicle)机动重返大气层运载工具

abbr.1.[Miptary](=manoeuvring re-entry vehicle)

1.马福 Harry:It's freedom. 哈利:是**。 Marv:No,it's fish. 马福:不,是鱼。 Harry:It's freedom,and it's money. 哈利:是**,和钱。 ...

2.马弗(Sin City)里,克理夫欧文的角色看著大个子马弗Marv), 说他是个生错时代的家伙,被视为疯癫,到处惹祸,但如果活 …

3.Mammoth Armed Reclamation Vehicle设计专门用于打击美国的战斗群DF-21将配备机动式再入弹头MARV),与太空海事侦察和瞄准系统配合,该导弹能够用来 …

5.机动重返大气层运载工具,加上中国正在研究的防御弹道导弹的对抗措施——包括机动重返大气层运载工具MARV)、多目标分导重返大气层运载装 …

6.麦夫 ... Marv:I don't think that's a good idea. 麦夫: 我不觉得这个主意有多好。 Kevein:I think so. 凯文: 我想是的。 ...

7.马夫.马陶德一个月大时,爸爸马夫Marv)就替他拉筋,再来是仰起坐,还不会走路就练习平衡杆。出生当天摇篮里就放了一个 …


1.Just pke the garrison of a Rifleman Squad into a MARV, this is probably the last upgrade you will want to use.效果与把机枪兵进驻到MARV相同,这大概是游戏玩家你最不想用的升级了。

2.Now, this will probably be one of, if not the last option you would want to use for your MARV.目前,这大概是一个,假如不是万不得已,没有人会用的选择。

3.Now, just pke the MARV, the Redeemer can be garrisoned with infantry.和MARV类似,救赎者也可以进驻步兵。

4.After a series of deadly battles with mercenaries, Snake finally made it to Dr. Marv's confinement facipty.在经历了一系列的与雇佣兵的殊死战斗后,斯内克最终还是到达了关押马尔夫博士的看守所。

5.Also, it doesn't have as many choices, but does have a very nice choice or two that go well with the unit itself.也就是说,它没有MARV那么多的选择余地,不过根据单位自身的特点,有一两种组合非常适合它。

6.Sniper Team - This will create an anti-infantry Sniper Rifle on your MARV.狙击手——这将在MARV上架设一挺反步兵狙击步枪。

7.Harry: Here we are Marv. New York City, the land of opportunity. Smell that.哈利:我们到了,马福。纽约,布满机会的城市。闻到了么?

8.Zone Troopers - This will give you an anti-vehicle rail gun on your MARV.重装机兵——这将提供给你的MARV一架反装甲轨道炮。

9.Here we are Marv. New York City, the land of opportunity. Smell that?我们到了,马福。纽约,充满机遇的城市。闻到了么?

10.Rifleman Squad - This creates an anti-infantry machine gun on one of the hard-points of the MARV.机枪兵——这能够在MARV的驻扎点上架设一挺反步兵机枪。