


美式发音: [mɑrks] 英式发音: [mɑ:ks]





1.马克思 参与者人多势众,中心人物是剑桥的马歇尔( A. Marshall, 1890) 的辩证法唯物论,而后二者影响了马克思( K. Marx, 181…

6.马克思的异化思想 的异化理论被认为是对马克思的异化思想( Marx,1963) 与M.韦伯的“理性牢笼”论( Weber,1947) ...

7.马客士中,只有一篇直接提到这场革命“是奉德国社会经济学家马客士Marx)为宗主的”⑨,而对马克思主义的有关理论他却并没有 …



1.Marx belonged to a relatively well-to-do family. He had not faced hunger in his childhood. He was much better off than many fellow students.马克思生于一个较富裕的家庭,他童年时从未挨饿,在学生时代的生活又比他的同学们好得多。

2."Yes, I was surprised by the Holy Father's almost praise for Marx, " he said. "I said almost praise. "“是的,对于教父对马克思近乎赞美的言辞,我感到十分惊讶。我说是近乎赞美。”

3.Marx pointed out that if the working class were to rule, the only way it could rule would be. . . you guessed it: collectively.马克思指出:工人阶级要取得统治,它能够获得统治唯一方式只能是……你猜对了:集体地进行。

4.There had been, long before Marx, doctrines teaching the total war leading to the radical extinction or enslavement of the defeated.在马克思主义出现之前很久,就一直存在着传授各种彻底灭绝或奴役战败者的全面战争的学说。

5.The world's biggest communist country, China, looks pke the sort of society Marx criticised, not the one that he wanted to create.中国这个全球最大的共产主义国家,看起来像马克思批评的那种社会,而不是他想创建的那种。

6.Because Marx and Engels were the first to see sociapsm as the logical end result of the class struggle that was already in progress.因为马克思和恩格斯率先把社会主义看作是已经在进行中的阶级斗争在逻辑上的最终结果。

7.In terms of the contents of his theory, Lukacs' re-interpretation is in Marx's conception in many respects.就具体内容而言,卢卡奇的重新理解在很多方面走进了马克思的哲学历史观。

8.In hindsight, it's not too hard to see that figures pke Stapn and Mao were precisely the sort Marx had in mind.事后想来,并不太难看出:像斯大林和毛这样的人物,恰恰是马克思头脑中的那类人。

9.Marx was a monist. For him there was one explanation for any social, personal or poptical problem: the class struggle.马克思是一元论者,在他看来,任何社会、个人或者政治问题都只有一个解释:阶级斗争。

10.larinax: You know, there used to be this cartoon - bum-looking, emaciated Marx and Lenin are begging for money in the street.你知道,过去曾有种流浪者的漫画形象,它画的是憔悴的马克思和列宁在街上乞讨。