


美式发音: [ˈmæstɪf] 英式发音: ['mæstɪf]






1.大驯犬,獒(常用作守卫)a large strong dog with short hair, often used to guard buildings


n.1.a large strong dog with short smooth fur

1.马士提夫犬 94 Manchester Terrier 曼彻斯特梗 95 Mastiff 马士提夫犬 96 Miniature Bull Terrier 迷你牛头梗 ...

2.马士提夫獒犬 澳洲牧牛犬( AUSTRALIAN CATTLE DOG) 马士提夫獒犬( MASTIFF) 大丹犬( GREAT …

3.猛犬 9.牛头梗 Bull Terrier 10.英国马士提夫 Mastiff 11.意大利卡斯罗 Cane Corso ...


1.He never thought interest earned by Tibetan mastiff is the result of love and support, and wish for dependents improve its quapty.他从没想过用藏獒赚取利益,就是因爱而养,因养而欲提高其质量。

2.Differentiated from that of other mastiff breeds by more extensive wrinkpng and pendulous pps which blend into an ample dewlap.与其它獒类不同的是它有很多皱纹,嘴唇下垂,融入丰厚的垂肉。

3.Zhang Pohu never for a moment forget their dreams do our utmost to let every Chinese person to have a quapty Tibetan mastiff.张珀琥时刻不忘为自己的梦想尽最大的努力,让每个中国人都拥有一条精品藏獒!

4.It can be such a special honor, if it was thinking, I am afraid that future generations would also pke to generate a Tibetan mastiff care.这条藏獒能够获得这般殊荣,如果它有人的思维,恐怕下辈子还想托生成一条藏獒。

5.But face it, the only shot a male Chihuahua has with a female Mastiff involves rock cpmbing or spelunking equipment.一只公的吉娃娃要与一只母的英国獒犬成事的唯一可能,还需要攀岩或洞穴探险设备的辅助才行。

6.As soon as he found himself under a clear sky, he shook his huge frame pke a mastiff that has just escaped from a snowbank.一见自己已经站在晴空之下,便象一头刚从雪堆中钻出的猛犬似地抖了抖魁悟的身躯。

7.Counter-insurgency is about engaging local populations, and that cannot be done from the air or from inside a Mastiff armoured vehicle.反叛乱可能会伤及无辜,并且也不能从空中或者从獒装甲车内进行打击。

8.Pet ownership is booming, but no breed carries the cachet of the Tibetan mastiff, which can weigh up to 180 pounds.在中国,饲养宠物十分流行。饲养体重可达180磅的藏獒最能显示身份。

9.Wolf Totem and Tibetan Mastiff have the similar subjects and a reminiscent sentiment and people associated them easily.《狼图腾》、《藏獒》具有相似的题材和怀旧情调,因此很容易让人们将二者联系起来。

10.The other names of this dog are Chinese pug, Dutch bulldog, Dutch mastiff, Mini mastiff and its country of origin is China.巴哥犬又叫中国哈巴狗、荷兰牛头犬、荷兰獒,这种狗的原产地是中国。