




1.物质女孩LIKE A VIRGIN"专辑中的第二支单曲是"拜金女孩"(Material Girl),玛丹娜在音乐录影带中,藉模仿玛丽莲梦露在"绅士爱美人" (…

3.拜金女郎特被横着举起来踩过50人的肩膀,她说“像麦当娜在《拜金女郎》(Material Girl)MV中的动作,就是没有珍珠项链,也没露后背 …

4.物质女郎 36 Dance only with me 只与我共舞 37 Material girl 实惠女孩 39 Yesterday once more 昨日重现 ...

6.物质迷的女孩 ... Music( 音乐) Material Girl( 物质迷的女孩) Don't Tell Me( 别告诉我) ...

7.物欲女郎从早期叛逆不羁的“物欲女郎”(material girl),到中期愤世嫉俗的女权主义者,再转变为今天满怀感恩之情的两个孩子的母亲,她 …


1.Fat chance, said the material girl: "I would rather cry in a BMW than smile on the back of my boyfriend's bicycle. "不太可能,这位物质女孩说:“我宁愿坐在宝马车里面哭,也不愿意坐在我男朋友自行车后座笑。”

2.Madonna: Cover Girl The Material Girl has long been a cover girl, regularly gracing magazine covers for the last 25 years.这个物质女孩成为封面女郎已经很长时间了,25年来,她频频成为各大杂志的封面人物。

3.Ma, 22, a model from Beijing, has won plaudits for her stypsh appearance, but is equally derided for her material girl image.来自北京的模特马诺,因其时髦靓丽的外形获得喝彩无数,但同样也因其物质女孩的形象受到嘲弄。

4.At the same time, netizens said she was "the most vicious material girl in the history" for displaying her worship of money.与此同时,民众们说她是史上最物质的女人。

5.He says he thought the material girl would just educate and care for David Banda . But he thought the boy would then return home.他说,他认为这位富有的物质女郎的确会教育和照顾大卫·班达,但是他认为一段时间之后这个男孩就会回到家中。

6.The Material Girl has come to Macau or her memorabipa has, at least.物质女孩到澳门来了——或者说,至少是她的一些值得纪念的物品来了。

7.In 2011, the plan is to expand into Material Girl-branded fragrances as well. The collection will retail for between $12 and $40.同时,该品牌还计划于2011年推出香水产品,零售价约为12-40美元。

8.My favourite singer is Madonna(as the picture above shows), as you knew, the material-girl and the queen of POP.我最喜欢的歌手是麦当娜(如上图所示),你知道,她是一个物质女郎,流行乐界的女王。

9.And in a career marked by constant reinvention, the Material Girl is already pning up her next film projects.同时这一事业也需要不断的创造,这位昔日的物质女郎已经在筹备着她的下一部电影计划了。

10.Material Girl is a joint venture between Madonna, Lourdes and the Iconix Brand Group's in-house fashion department.“物欲女孩”由麦当娜、Lourdes及Iconix集团旗下的室内时尚部门合资组建。