



美式发音: [ˈmeɪtrən] 英式发音: ['meɪtrən]



复数:matrons  同义词




n.1.a female nurse whose job is to take care of students in a school; a senior female nurse in a hospital2.a woman whose job is to be in charge of women and children in an institution such as a prison

1.中学生活老师 ... 学生处项目主管 SAO Project Supervisor 中学生活老师 Matrons 科学组实习助教 Science Intern Teache…

2.保姆日托中心主要由 保姆(Matrons)们来负责,她们的主要职责 是看护儿童以及做饭、洗衣等日常杂务。 三 20世纪下半期美国学前 …


1.It was middle class matrons, the sort who dressed up to go shopping, who missed the deference shown by traditional grocers.打扮得漂漂亮亮出去购物的中产阶级家庭的主妇们,怀念传统杂货店给予的尊重。

2.Of an affair with a White Russian officer in Jiamusi . Forlorn but plting syllables All the matrons cursed her in every city .在佳木斯曾跟一个白俄军官混过一种凄然的韵律每个妇人诅咒她在每个城里。

3.matrons of Atlanta gathered together to gossip, his reputation grew worse, which only made him all the more glamorous to the young girls.因此亚特兰大的太太们每聚会闲谈一次,他的坏名声就增长一分,可这只能使他对年轻姑娘们具有更大的魅力。

4.To test the importance of these miptant matrons, Dr Keigo and his colleagues introduced predatory ladybug larvae to the plants.为测验这些“祖母军”的重要性,井吴博士和其同事引入了一种以蚜虫为食的瓢虫幼虫。

5.So that's just you're gonna abandonhim for a bunch of society matrons?所以你就为了一群名流贵妇抛弃他了?。

6.Clans are ruled by clan chieftains, or warlords, and a council of females, called matrons.每个氏族由族长或军阀率领,辅以有声望的年长妇女组成的议会。

7.Staff at South Essex Partnership NHS Trust instituted an audit to provide an accurate picture of the impact of modern matrons.工作人员在南埃塞克斯伙伴琥珀酰亚胺信托设立了审计,以提供准确的图片的影响,现代主妇。

8.Here at the wedding feast, some young matrons, wide-hipped, wide-mouthed, measured Sonny Corleone with coolly confident eyes.就在这个喜筵上,一些年轻已婚妇女,宽宽的屁股,宽宽的嘴,用沉着自信的目光打量着桑尼。

9.The first, the warlord, is the most powerful boar of a clan, married to the clan matrons.第一种是军阀,是氏族里最有权势的公猪,配偶是女族长。

10.The girls fled laughing , with the black - clad, stout matrons scolding them on.姑娘们一边逃跑,一边哈哈大笑,那两个黑胖女人跟在后面骂个不停。