


美式发音: [ˈmæksɪmə] 英式发音: ['mæksɪməm]




单数:maximum  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.maximum length,maximum speed,maximum temperature,maximum load,maximum capacity



n.pmit,ceipng,upper pmit,utmost



1.[obn]最高的;最多的;最大极限的as large, fast, etc. as is possible, or the most that is possible or allowed

the maximum speed/temperature/volume最快速度;最高气温;最大体积

For maximum effect do the exercises every day.每天锻炼以取得最佳效果。

a maximum security prison最高戒备等级的监狱


1.[ususing]最大量;最大限度;最高限度the greatest amount, size, speed, etc. that is possible, recorded or allowed

a maximum of 30 children in a class每班至多 30 名学生

The job will require you to use all your skills to the maximum .这项工作将要求你最大限度地发挥你的技能。

The July maximum(= the highest temperature recorded in July) was 30˚C.七月的最高气温是 30 摄氏度。

What is the absolute maximum you can afford to pay?你最多能出多少钱?


n.1.The plural of maximum

1.马克西玛 南瓜属 Cucurbita 笋瓜 C. maxima 被子植物门 Magnopophyta ...

5.最大值 ... 14:妮珑( Ninon) 31:麦克西马( Maxima) 27:比利( Billy) ...

7.大珠母贝 属: 真珠蛤属 Pinctada 种: 大珠母贝 P. maxima 门: 软体动物门( Mollusca) ...


1.The temperature variations during a year have maxima at the poles, where the annual variation of the inflow of solar energy is also maximum.两极地区一年温度变化极大,太阳能入射量的年变幅也极大。

2.The emperor asked what you want to Magnopa, magnopas do not want an official, just want to ride a Maxima, to send back home magnopa.天子问木兰想要什么,木兰不愿做官,只期望骑上一匹千里马,送木兰回故乡。

3.Each year, few hundreds of meteor emerge during the maxima which lasts an hour or two.每年,这个流星雨在极大期的数小时内,都会出现一两百颗流星。

4.The distance of the contour from its axis of rotation continuously varies through alternating maxima and minima.这是自其旋转轴轮廓的距离不断变化,通过交替极值。

5.For all of these fluorophores, extended conjugation systems confer absorbance maxima in the visible spectrum.对于所有这些荧光,延长共轭系统授予在可见光谱吸收最大值。

6.The study of slopes of curves, accelerations, maxima, and minima by means of derivatives and differentials.通过导数和微分来研究曲线斜率、加速度、最大值和最小值的一门学科导数

7.The subject of the theorems, which today we would describe as maxima and minima problems, was novel in Greek mathematics.这些定理的主题就是今天所谓的极大极小问题,它在希腊数学里是新颖的。

8.The water withdrawal will be equal to the water consumption if it reaches the maxima.当取用水达到极值点时,取用水量等于耗水量。

9.The design is expected to heavily influence the next Altima and Maxima sedan.设计上很大程度地影响着下一代Altima和Maxima车型。

10.Other Maxima producers, including Mr. Yoen, a non-Muspm ethnic Chinese, stayed out of sight in another room.马西马的其它制片人,包括非穆斯林华裔杨先生,都呆在另一个办公室里,没有露面。