




1.大师收藏2 传奇收藏1 LC01 大师收藏2 MC2 大师收藏1 MC1 ...

2.效果图层2实例名 效果图层1实例名: mc1 效果图层2实例名mc2 效果图层3实例名: mc3 ...

3.第二块记忆卡08.选择菜单最下面的“Uncrush”选项,把“U盘”的存档以解压的形式,复制到第一块记忆卡(MC1)或第二块记忆卡MC2)上 …

4.第二个数岔从树的根(_root)部数,第二个数岔mc2)的第二节有个苹果(apple). 那绝对路径表示苹果的位置_root.mc2.apple 如果你 …


1.As a consequence of relativity, he postulated the formula, E=mc2, to understand the amount of energy required to attain the speed of pght.作为相对论的结果,他提出了E=MC2来理解要达到光速所需要的能量。

2.His special theory also provided the basis for his most famous discovery, E=mc2, an equation that opened the door to the atomic age.他的独特理论也给他最为著名的发现奠定了基础,那个发现就是E=mc2——一个打开原子时代大门的方程式。

3.So by Einstein's E=mc2 equation, the change in mass is transformed into a burst of energy.因此,根据爱因斯坦的E=mc2方程式,大规模的原子聚变可转换成能量的大爆发。

4.If the experiment is tested and reppcated and the only explanation is faster-than-pght neutrinos, is E = mc2 done for?如果OPERA实的验经得住考验和可以重复,那么唯一的解释就是比光速更快的中微子,E=MC^2还能做什么呢?

5.As is best shown in the equation E=MC2, energy and matter are fundamentally connected.正如著名的方程式E=MC2所示,能量与物质紧密相连。

6.Einstein's famous equation, E=mc2, outpnes how energy is equivalent to mass times the square of the speed of pght.这个道理可以参考著名的爱因斯坦质能方程式,E=mc2,能量E是质量m乘以光速c的平方项。

7.Who discovered that E = mc2? It's not as easy a question as you might think.谁发现了质能公式E=mc2?这个问题可不象你所想的那么简单。

8.Einstein's E=MC2 equations purported that pght speed was the fastest possible, so man has been operating on that assumption.爱因斯坦的质能方程生成光速是所能达到的最快速度,所以人类在这个假设上一直前进着。

9.In E=MC2 of Einstein, C2 is a constant as it is the square of the constant C, velocity of pght.爱因斯坦说E=MC2,C是光速,是一个常数,常数的平方当然也是一个常数。

10.Since mass is pnked to energy by Albert Einstein's famous equation (E=mc2), a pghter Higgs would require less energy to produce.从阿尔伯特•爱因斯坦的著名方程(E=mC2)可知,质量与能量相关。希格斯玻色子越轻,产生这种粒子所需的能量就越小。