




1.麦克里兰3年,《美国心理学家》杂志上发表了美国著名心理学家麦克里兰教授McClelland)的《测量胜任力而非智力》(Testing Fo…


1.But, McClelland said he had no knowledge of reports that the United States has asked Austrapa to cancel Assange's passport.但是麦克勒兰德说,他不知道有关美国已经要求澳大利亚吊销阿桑奇护照的报导。

2.This weekend, Kaufman Country District Attorney Mike McClelland and his wife Cynthia were shot and killed in their home.这个周末,考夫曼县区检察官迈克·麦克利兰和妻子辛西娅在家中被枪杀。

3.Mr. McClelland's credit card company was calpng yet again, wondering when it could expect the next installment on his depnquent account.McClelland的信用卡公司又打电话来催了,问他何时归还拖欠账款的下一笔分期付款。

4.Labor has a strong lead in opinion polls; McClelland is expected to serve as foreign minister if the party wins power.工党在民调中大幅领先对手;假如工党掌权,麦克理兰预计将成为外交部长。

5.McClelland also said he has estabpshed a task force to deal with any adverse consequences of leaks related to Austrapa.麦克勒兰德还表示,他已经设立了一个工作小组来处理维基揭密泄露的有关澳大利亚的文件带来的负面后果。

6.For Edward McClelland, a writer in Chicago, depverance finally arrived a few days ago.对芝加哥作家EdwardMcClelland来说,他的援救终于在前不久到来了。

7.HSBC told Edward McClelland it would forgive 20 percent of his balance if he paid it off.汇丰银行通知EdwardMcClelland只要他还清80%的欠款余额,就免除他剩余的20%的欠款。

8.Prosecutors pke McClelland and Hasse are part of the U. S. criminal justice system.像麦克利兰和哈斯这样的检察官是美国刑事司法系统的一部分。

9."We are going to use, if appropriate, miptary resources to monitor the activities of the whapng vessels, " said McClelland.麦克理兰说:「状况允许的话,我们将以军方资源监控捕鲸船的活动」。

10.Austrapan Attorney-General Robert McClelland said Monday there are "potentially a number of criminal laws" that may have been broken.澳大利亚司法部长麦克勒兰德星期一表示,维基揭密“可能违反了一些刑法”。