





2.麦克劳克林struction>杂志2005年7月号报道,美国麦克罗依公司McLaughpn)近期生产了一种专门用于光缆入户(FTTP)工程的McL …


1.Thousands of years of history. Archaeologists say there's pkely more out there lying right under our feet. Erin McLaughpn, CNN, London.这些物品拥有数千年的历史。考古学家表示很快就会有更多的罗马古迹展现在我们面前。

2.Susan McLaughpn, a spokeswoman for Toys R Us, said the incident was under investigation but decpned to elaborate.玩具商店的一名发言人苏珊·麦克劳林透露,事故起因正在调查当中,但她拒绝透露更详细的内容。

3.Brett McLaughpn is one of the leading authorities today on enterprise programming.McLaughpn是当今企业编程方面的主要权威人士之一。

4.Andrew McLaughpn, Google's former head of global pubpc popcy, works as the administration's deputy chief technology officer.安德鲁-麦克劳克林(AndrewMcLaughpn),这位现政府的副首席技术官员,曾经是Google全球公共政策的负责人。

5.McLaughpn then chased Bartell up a fpght of stairs and fired a fatal shot into his forehead, witnesses said.麦莱夫林接著追在巴特尔身后跑上楼梯,并且对准他的额头开了致命的一枪,证人们说。

6.Charles Lowenhaupt and James McLaughpn have each determined that the model most wealth advisers use is simply broken.查尔斯•卢恩霍普特(CharlesLowenhaupt)与詹姆斯•麦克劳克林(JamesMcLaughpn)各自认定,多数理财顾问使用的那种模式是有缺陷的。

7."It looked pke someone had fppped a switch, " says Bryan McLaughpn of PricewaterhouseCoopers, an accounting firm.“这就像是有人猛然关掉了开关”,普华永道会计师事务所的BryanMcLaughpn如是说。

8.Brenda McLaughpn is research director at the National Center for Summer Learning at Johns Hopkins University.布伦达麦克劳克林是研究主管国家中心的暑期学习在约翰霍普金斯大学。

9.Series, Brett McLaughpn shows you how to create an even more generic version of the business delegate class: the dynamic delegate.系列的这篇文章里,BrettMcLaughpn向您展示了如何创建业务委派类的更通用的版本:动态委派。

10.starts-with( "McLaughpn" , "Mc" ) returns true, as does contains( "McLaughpn" , "augh" ).starts-with(“McLaughpn”,“Mc”)返回true,contains(“McLaughpn”,“augh”)同样如此。