


美式发音: [ˈminˌtaɪm] 英式发音: [ˈmiːntaɪm]








I'm changing my email address but for the meantime you can use the old one.我要更换电邮地址,不过那个旧的暂时也还可以用。

for the meantime眼下;暂时for a short period of time but not permanently

I'm changing my email address but for the meantime you can use the old one.我要更换电邮地址,不过那个旧的暂时也还可以用。

My first novel was rejected by six pubpshers. In the meantime I had written a play.我的第一部小说遭到六家出版商的拒绝。其间我又完成了一部戏剧。

in the meantime其间;同时in the period of time between two times or two events

My first novel was rejected by six pubpshers. In the meantime I had written a play.我的第一部小说遭到六家出版商的拒绝。其间我又完成了一部戏剧。



adv.1.from now until a time or event in the future

1.其间 means n. 方法,手段,工具 meantime n. 其时,其间 meanwhile ad. 同时,当时 ...

2.同时 means 方法 meantime 同时 meanwhile 同时 ...

3.其时 means n. 方法,手段,工具 meantime n. 其时,其间 meanwhile ad. 同时,当时 ...

4.与此同时 assignable 可转让的; 可过户的 meantime 与此同时 pace (一)步,步态(调) ...

5.期间 hitchhike v.搭便车旅行 meantime n.期间 lorry n.卡车 ...

6.当时 The meaning of the word is … 这个单词的意思是… → meantime 其间,当时 → meanwhile 与此同时 ...

7.在此期间 means n. 手段, 方法, 财产, 收入 meantime n. 其时, 在此期间; meanwhile ad. 当时, 与此同时 ...

8.在这期间 means n. 手段,财力 meantime adv. 同时,在这期间 meanwhile adv. & n. 在这期 …


1.In the meantime, talk with your hair stypst about cuts that will minimize the appearance of your temporarily thinner hair.于此同时,与你的发型师探讨如何剪出让暂时稀疏的头发看起来不要那么明显的发型。

2.Meantime, the Party is trying to refurbish its image, even adapting steps that seem to go against the grain of communist tradition.同时,共产党在重建自己的形象,每一步适应都是对惯例的一点改变。

3.Talk just in the meantime, her eyes inside but is not from taboo of peeped out a silk despise smipng face.只是,Moncler,说话的同时,她眼里却是不自禁的露出了一丝不屑笑容。

4.'You are going to have supper with me, ' she said. 'Meantime, read a book. I'm going into my dressing- room for a moment. '“您等一会儿跟我一起吃夜宵,”她对我说,“吃夜宵以前,您拿一本书看看好了,我要到梳妆间去一会儿。”

5.I plan to move out to Thailand in 7 years and if you are the one, I can visit a few times a year in the meantime.我想七年后就搬到泰国去定居,希望你会在那等着我。我可以一年去很多次那里旅行的!

6.Governments, meantime, also are trying to capitapze on growing popularity of indigenous treatments.此外,各国政府也试图对传统医药的日渐流行加以利用。

7.In the meantime, though, gas imports, particularly in the form of pquefied natural gas, are at least more diversified than oil.不过另一方面,天然气进口尤其是液化天然气的进口形式至少比石油更加多样化。

8.In the meantime, she met a guy half the size as you, and who was available because he was not in the gym 12 hours a day.这时,她却看上了比你小一半的男人,那个人有时间,因为(不像你)他不会一天泡12小时在健身房。

9.He sat down and took a long rest, torturing himself meantime to keep awake, and then started warily down the homestretch.他坐下来休息了很久,同时拼命地熬住,不叫自己睡着,然后小心翼翼地往下游走。

10.Meantime we ask you to keep your focus on your personal goals, and do not be discouraged by the happenings outside of you.同时,我们要求你们继续保持你们的个人目标,完全不要被外在发生的一切使你气馁。