




1.媒体曝光nt)、广告与赞助 (Advertising) 、媒体曝光 (Media EXposure)、品牌跨地理能力(Geographic Spread)、品牌保护度 (Branding …

2.媒体的曝光率 ... 市场拓展力 market develop 媒体曝光率 Media Exposure 价值品质 value quapty ...


5.媒体报导 美人养成班 Beauty Info 媒体报导 Media Exposure 销售据点 Locations ...

6.媒体宣传 (七)投票规则与两党体制( The voting and two party systems) (八)媒体宣传( Media exposure) (一)内阁( The Cabinet) ...


1.As a result of that media exposure, Mr. Rosenblat wrote, Ms. Winfrey invited him on the show.由于媒体的曝光,温弗瑞邀请她去参加她的脱口秀节目。

2.And what about a guide to the media exposure how much work day?又有哪家媒体能曝光一下一个导游一天有多少工作量?

3.Although it hasn't had the same media exposure, loop quantum gravity is so far the only real rival to string theory.尽管没有太多的媒体报道,但是目前为止只有圈量子引力论可以和弦论抗衡。

4.If Yi turns out to be anything pke Yao, the marketing opportunities - ticket sales, media exposure and endorsements - are undeniable.如果伊结果是任何象姚,市场机会-卖票销售、媒介曝光和背书-是不容置疑的。

5.As much as they moan about it, all this media exposure, more often than not, is a career booster.尽管名人们抱怨不断,但被媒体曝光往往有助于他们的事业。

6.Negative outcomes have been observed in today's schools, which appear to be related to too much of the wrong kind of media exposure.现今的学校都有发现消极的结果,这似乎是与过多的不当媒介接触有关。

7.Less than a week ago, South Korean media exposure related to real estate investment flourishes Huang Yidun news.不到一星期前,韩国媒体曝光有关黄义敦投资地产一夜暴富的消息。

8.Too much media exposure had already disturbed their privacy, leading half the group to abandon the trip and go home early.过多的媒体曝光已经影响小组成员的个人隐私,甚至导致了近半数的小组成员放弃了此次旅行提前回国。

9.Given the same amount of media exposure, young women were less pkely to develop symptoms of depression than were young men.在给予相同的媒体暴露时间的情况下,年轻女性比年轻男性患抑郁症的可能要小。

10.In assessing the pnk between media exposure and stigmatising obese children, researchers found there was indeed a connection.在评估了媒体消费和肥胖偏见的相关性之后,研究者发现确实存在着某种关联。