


网络释义:Motion Estimate and Motion Compensation; 美商休斯电子; 美国


1.Motion Estimate and Motion Compensation菜鸟学堂:看电视时应注意的重 …

2.美商休斯电子 ... Flextronics( 伟创力电子) MEMC( 美商休斯电子) Vicor( 美商亚太怀格) ...

3.美国 4.2 WACKERSHOTT (德国) 4.4 MEMC美国) 4.5 REC (挪威) ...

4.美商休斯电子材料美商休斯电子材料(MEMC)在台湾设立的第一家高科技八寸IC硅晶圆生产公司。主要客户为:茂迪、台积电、联电、华邦、茂德 …

5.运动补偿运动预估及运动补偿(MEMC),在原有画面显示的每两帧画面中增加一帧,缩短每帧之间的显示时间,使液晶电视的响应时间得 …


1.Also let Suntech fell some distressed is terminate the contract with MEMC. All this is the sin of the war.同样让尚德显得有些狼狈的与MEMC终止合约一事,也是非战之罪。

2.MEMC has been a pioneer in the design and development of wafer technologies over the past four decades.memc已率先在设计和开发的晶圆技术,在过去四十年。

3.MEMC is a global leader in the manufacture and sale of wafers and related intermediate products to the semiconductor and solar industries.memc是一个全球领先的制造和销售晶片及相关的中间产品,以半导体和太阳能产业。

4.Should we achieve the above targets, MEMC will achieve compound annual non-GAAP EPS growth in Phase II of approximately 30% or more.要达到上述目标,memc将达到每年复合非一般公认会计准则办事增长期大约为30%或更多。

5.MEMC still is produced and sell polycrystalpne sipcon, this is the crucial point material that produces primitive brilpant circle.MEMC还出产和发卖多晶硅,这是出产原始晶圆的要害材料。