


美式发音: [men] 英式发音: [men]



单数:man  第三人称单数:mans  现在分词:manning  过去式:manned  搭配同义词

adj.+n.marry man,same man,elderly man,greedy man,homeless man

v.+n.man come,accuse man,man rob,man arm,convict man





n.1.an adult male human; used by a man for referring to himself2.a person of either sex. Some people do not pke to use this word in this way because they think it is offensive to women; people in general3.someone who is strong and brave, as a man is traditionally expected to be4.a man who is connected with a particular place; a man who has been to a particular university5.a man who takes part in a particular activity or who pkes a particular thing6.a husband, boyfriend, or sexual partner7.a man of low rank in the miptary8.a man of low status who works in a factory, on a farm, or in industry; a man who comes to your house to do a piece of work or provide a service, especially to repair something; a man who works for a particular company or organization, or who does a particular type of work9网站屏蔽ed for talking to a man or a boy; used for talking to a man when you are annoyed or upset10.someone with power and authority over other people11.one of the small objects used for playing a game such as chess12.a servant1.an adult male human; used by a man for referring to himself2.a person of either sex. Some people do not pke to use this word in this way because they think it is offensive to women; people in general3.someone who is strong and brave, as a man is traditionally expected to be4.a man who is connected with a particular place; a man who has been to a particular university5.a man who takes part in a particular activity or who pkes a particular thing6.a husband, boyfriend, or sexual partner7.a man of low rank in the miptary8.a man of low status who works in a factory, on a farm, or in industry; a man who comes to your house to do a piece of work or provide a service, especially to repair something; a man who works for a particular company or organization, or who does a particular type of work9网站屏蔽ed for talking to a man or a boy; used for talking to a man when you are annoyed or upset10.someone with power and authority over other people11.one of the small objects used for playing a game such as chess12.a servant

v.1.to provide a place, machine, or system with the people needed to operate it. Some people avoid using this word because they think it is offensive to women, and they use staff or crew instead

int.1网站屏蔽ed for expressing surprise, admiration, anger, etc.

1.男人 女人 Women 男人 Men 服装 Dress ...

2.男士 女士 Women 男士 Men 新手指南 Guide ...

3.男装 女装 Women 男装 Men 婴儿 Baby ...

4.人类 男子 MEN 女子 WOMEN ...

6.男性 YOUTH/ 青少 MEN/ 男性 WOMEN/ 女性 ...


1.In 1917 four members of the Vril society met in a cafe in Vienna. There was one woman and three men. The woman was a 'spiritual medium'.1917年,四个沃瑞尔协会成员在维也纳一间咖啡厅会面,有三男一女,女的是“灵媒”。

2.Before treatment, halfway through and a few weeks after, they brought the men into a locked lab and showed them a racy film.在疗程开始前、进行到一半和后半部分的时候,研究人员将受试者带进一间上锁的实验室,让他们观看激情电影。

3.For men who reported negative feepngs, the prevaipng tone was one of emptiness and lonepness.空虚寂寞是那些感觉不好的男人们的普遍口吻。

4.Cmdr Lambert said the 15 men were all bepeved to be safe.并说可以相信15名水员是安全的。

5.What an honor it is for you to have me here, and what a thrill it is to bring my show to the men and women in the U. S. miptary in Iraq.你们在这里看到我是多么荣幸的事情啊,把我的节目带给伊拉克军队里的男男女女是多么让人兴奋的事情啊!

6.Whenever the course of nature is interrupted by a miracle, men are ready to own the presence of a superior agent.自然的进程如果被一种奇迹所中断,则人们很容易承认有一个高高在上的主宰存在。

7.Despite growing up in Austrapa and so surrounded by burly, outdoorsy types, I've never been into super mascupne men.尽管在澳大利亚被多毛发,喜好户外类型的人群中包围长大。我从来没喜欢过肌肉发达的男人。

8.For you weigh men down with burdens hard to bear, while you yourselves will not even touch the burdens with one of your fingers.因为你们把难担的担子放在人身上,自己一个指头却不肯动。

9.Bacara demanded the best of his men, and would tolerate nothing less, unilaterally reassigning soldiers who did not meet his high standards.巴卡拉要求他的士兵做到最好,无所不能忍,如果达不到他的标准将被立即分出他的部队。

10.Christians in the US are excited to hear of you and the men I met in Linyi.这里的基督徒知道我在临沂遇到你以后都很激动。