


网络释义:中东新闻社(Middle East News Agency);中东和北非(Middle East and North Africa);中东和北非地区(Middle East-North Africa)


1.中东新闻社(Middle East News Agency)中东新闻社Mena)今晚报导,选委会将在明晚宣布投票结果。稍早,选委会官员塔诺布里(Mohamed el-Tanobly)告诉法新 …

2.中东和北非(Middle East and North Africa)除中东和北非MENA)外,其他所有地区的和平指数均有不同程度的提高,其中撒哈拉以南非洲地区首次摆脱了自全球和平指 …

3.中东和北非地区(Middle East-North Africa)以中东和北非地区MENA)消除贫困的状况为例,到1987年,以每人每天2美元为标准,该地区的平均贫困率被降至25%,是 …

4.中东通讯社埃及中东通讯社MENA)引述安全部门消息人士的报道称,遇难游客来自英国、法国、日本和中国香港。“热气球上共有20名 …

5.中东北非地区中东北非地区MENA)由20多个国家组成,每个国家在规模、政治和经济方面都存在巨大的差异。中东北非各国钢铁工业发 …

6.中东及北非地区中东及北非地区MENA)服饰产品的年销售额约为150亿美元,但目前但多数交易仍在线下进行。目前除土耳其外,中东及北 …


1.An official source cited by the state news agency Mena said he could be transferred to the miptary hospital with 48 hours.国家新闻通讯社记者米纳援引官方消息称穆巴拉克将在48小时之内被移送至军事医院。

2.The MENA news agency reported the bus colpded with a large truck that was stopped on the side of the road.据中东通讯录报导,这辆巴士与路边停着的一辆大卡车相撞。

3.What would be the two key investments to enhance MENA's opportunities in a globapzing labor market?在全球化的劳动力市场中,改善中东和北非地区机遇的两项关键投资是什么?

4.For the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, one of the world's most water-scarce regions, this challenge is far greater.对中东和北非(MENA)地区(世界上最缺水的地区之一)来说,这个挑战更为艰巨。

5.But generally, the trends that start in Egypt have historically spread across the MENA region, the Middle East and North Africa region.但总的来说,起始于埃及的趋势历史性的席卷了MENA地区,中东和北非地区。

6.Have MENA migrants been able to demonstrate their potential value in the global labor market?中东和北非地区移民是否在全球劳动力市场中展现了他们的潜在价值?

7.By Oman, the situation in the MENA countries, the international oil prices continued to rise 28.受阿曼等中东北非国家的局势影响,国际油价28日持续走高。

8.The main road in the area was temporarily closed by tribesmen on Tuesday but then reopened by the army, Egypt's Mena news agency reported.此地区主要的道路在周二都被贝都因人暂时的关闭,但是重新向军队开放,埃及中东社报道。

9."The MENA region was the first to blend World Bank loans with emission reduction revenues, " says Arif.“MENA地区是第一个将世界银行贷款与排放收入相结合的地区,”Sherif说。

10.In the right circumstances, MENA could achieve significant job creation, especially in business services, from abroad.在适当的条件下,中东和北非地区可以实现大量增加就业的目标,尤其是在来自海外的商业服务方面。