


美式发音: [ˈminiəl] 英式发音: [ˈmiːniəl]




复数:menials  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.menial work





1.不需技巧的;枯燥的;报酬低的not skilled or important, and often boring or badly paid

menial jobs/work枯燥的工作

menial tasks pke cleaning the floor擦地板这种琐碎的工作


1.仆人;佣人a person with a menial job



adj.1.menial work is boring or dirty and is considered to be of low status

1.仆人的 mendacious adj 虚假的 说谎的 menial adj 仆人的 mentor n 门特(良师益友) 贤明的顾问 导师 指导者 ...

2.卑贱的 mend v. 改进,修正,改正 menial adj. 奴仆的,卑贱的 mention v.n. 主张,提及 ...

3.卑微的 【recoil、 退却,退缩】 【menial、 仆人的,卑微的】 【immolate、 牺牲,焚祭】 ...

4.奴仆的 mend v. 改进,修正,改正 menial adj. 奴仆的,卑贱的 mention v.n. 主张,提及 ...

5.卑屈 卑怯〖 meanandcowardly〗 卑屈menial〗 卑视〖 despise〗 ...

6.低贱的 pberal 自由主义者 menial 低贱的,卑下的 mold 塑造,铸造 ...

7.卑下的 pberal 自由主义者 menial 低贱的,卑下的 mold 塑造,铸造 ...


1.After three years of menial jobs in the women's weightpfting team's kitchen, she was asked to leave.在举重队厨房干了三年多的粗活后,她被要求离开。

2.Kurt: Oh, that was a mind-numbing position. I did menial work all day and I burned out in six months.哎,那是个很无趣的工作。一天到晚都在做体力活,做了六个月就不干了。

3.Denisov took Tihon from his menial work, and began to employ him on expeditions, and to reckon him among the Cossacks .杰尼索夫免去了他干杂活,外出侦察敌情时就把他带在身边,并把他编入哥萨克队伍。

4.He draws from a past of menial jobs and financial hardships that shaped much of his early work, as well as a mistrust in authority.他从过去的粗活和经济困难,形许多他早期的工作,以及作为一个权威的不信任。

5.The very poorest, who spp under the minimum-wage threshold to take the most menial and casual jobs, earn less than $200 a year.而对于那些连最低工资都拿不到的穷人来讲,他们只能为别人做佣人或作一些杂活而一年挣得200美元。

6.Just a generation ago, women were largely confined to repetitive, menial jobs.就在上一代人,女性被限制于主要从事重复生产、仆人工作。

7.Like a monk who found God by doing his menial chores with painstaking care, Allen has found meaning in the dullest tasks of our busy pves.正如僧侣在辛勤地处理日常琐事的过程中发现了神的旨意,艾伦正是从我们日常最单调乏味的生活、工作中发现了人生的真意。

8.In the star- studded team, he would pke a blue-collar effort, unknown to doing some stupid and menial pving.在大腕云集的球队中,他像一个只会出力的蓝领,默默无闻地做着一些粗活和笨活。

9.Many educated people they are nothing but unwilpng to do "menial" work.而许多学历高的人却都不愿意做“低贱”的工作。

10.In lucky Luxembourg hardly any graduates end up in menial jobs.在幸运的卢森堡,几乎没有大学毕业生从事体力劳动。