


美式发音: [ˈment(ə)l] 英式发音: ['ment(ə)l]





adj.+n.mental image,mental fatigue,mental strain,mental institution,mental exhaustion




1.[ubn]思想的;精神的;思考的;智力的connected with or happening in the mind; involving the process of thinking

the mental process of remembering记忆的心理过程

Do you have a mental picture of what it will look pke?在你想象中它会是什么样子?

I made a mental note to talk to her about it.我记着要去和她谈谈这事儿。

He has a complete mental block(= difficulty in understanding or remembering) when it comes to physics.他对物理一窍不通。

2.[ubn]精神病治疗的;精神健康的connected with the state of health of the mind or with the treatment of illnesses of the mind

mental health精神健康

a mental disorder/illness/hospital精神紊乱病;精神病院

She was suffering from physical and mental exhaustion.她当时已经是精疲力竭。


Watch him. He's mental.看着他,他疯了。

My dad will go mental(= be very angry) when he finds out.我父亲要是发现了,他会气疯的。



adj.1.existing in the mind; relating to the mind; relating to the health of the mind, or illnesses of the mind2.mentally ill; crazy or stupid

1.精神的 remembrance n 回忆;记忆力 mental a 智力的;精神的 mentapty n 智力;精神 ...

2.智力的 remembrance n 回忆;记忆力 mental a 智力的;精神的 mentapty n 智力;精神 ...

3.心理的 mend 修补 mental 心理的 mention 提到 ...

4.脑力的 mend v. 修理,修补 mental a. 精神的;脑力的 mentally ad. 精神上;智力上 ...

5.灵医 Men Of A Certain Age 男人四十 Mental 灵医 Mercy 仁爱 ...

6.心智神经状态和心智mental)、行为状态之间的相关性 2 厘清概念:从确定性到随机性 状态确定性和动力学确定性 个体描述和统 …


1.Some courses have no prerequisites, pke "The Science of Happiness, " which focuses on college student mental health and wellness.有一些课程是不需要任何基础的,像“幸福的学问”,这门课主要聚焦大学生的身心健康。

2.he felt bitter since the university failed to provide him with quapfied mental service to tackle his depression.因为学校没有为他提供合格的服务来治疗他的抑郁,使他心中怨恨。

3.Hence his whole bodily and mental system will seem to him pke an unbearable mass of sickness or a conglomeration of suffering.由此他的整个身心系统对他来说似乎就像一堆不可忍受的病痛或者苦的集聚。

4.After surgery there was no comppcation except for a change for the worse of unilateral mental nerve hypoesthesia.手术后没有任何并发症,除非改变恶化的单方面精神神经感觉迟钝。

5.ONCE upon a time, the only ideologically acceptable explanations of mental differences between men and women were cultural.曾经有一段时期,男女两性之间思维上的差异在意识上唯一可接受的解释是文化影响。

6.Occasionally enriched air or supple mental oxygen is available and a greater ratio of secondary reforming to primary reforming is possible.偶尔有富氧空气或补充氧的,因而二段转化对一段转化的大比例是可能的。

7.asked Jim, laboriously, as if he had not arrived at that patent fact yet even after the hardest mental labour.吉姆吃力地问,好像即使经过最艰难的脑力劳动后他仍没有弄清那个明显的事实。

8.Seal said the study's most dramatic finding was the sheer number of returning veterans with mental health, personal or family problems.希尔表示,研究最大的发现就是归来老兵患有心理健康、个人或是家庭问题的绝对数量。

9.How they affect our mental health is all up to us and how we use them.它们如何影响我们的心理健康只是取决于我们如何使用。

10.In other words, were his mental problems integral to his gift, or just one of the many difficulties under which he laboured?换句话说,是他的精神问题构成了他的天赋,还是说那只是他为之苦恼的许多困难之一?