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n.1.a free trading area developed in the 1990s consisting of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay

1.南方共同市场 ... 181 medium-term credit, 中期信贷 182 MERCOSUR南锥体共同市场 183 minimum interest rate, 最 …



1.In theory at least, big trade accords are in the works with India, the Mercosur group, Canada, Malaysia and Singapore.至少在理论上,欧盟与印度、南方共同市场、加拿大、马来西亚、新加坡重要的贸易协定正在制定过程中。

2.The members of Mercosur, which is meant to be a customs union, were unable to agree on rules for importing goods from outside the block.海关联盟(Mercosur)的成员们对从拉丁之外的地区进口商品无法达成一致。

3.With the Doha round dead, Mercosur will agree to Europe's request for exploratory talks about renewing their negotiations.由于多哈回合谈判走入死胡同,Mercosur国家同意欧洲的要求,针对重新展开谈判进行一些探索性对话。

4.South America's Mercosur is in trouble, as are its talks on closer pnks with the European Union.南美洲的南方共同市场(Mercosur)陷入困境,该地区与欧盟就建立更紧密联系的谈判亦是如此。

5.Venezuela wants to become a full member of Mercosur, the trade group those countries lead, in December.委内瑞拉希望在11月份成为这些国家领导下的南方共同市场贸易集团的成员。

6.She has participated in over a hundred and sixty collective exhibitions in Mercosur countries.她参加过南方共同市场国家共一百六十多次集体展。

7.On the import side, Argentina cannot raise tariffs on its own because it belongs to the Mercosur customs union.在进口方面,由于阿根廷属于南方共同市场,所以它自身不能提高关税。

8.His apppcation to join the Mercosur trade block has stalled in Brazil's Senate.他加入南方共同市场(Mercosur)贸易集团的申请案,在巴西参议院被搁置。

9.On the import side, Argentinacannot raise tariffs on its own because it belongs to the Mercosur customs union.在进口方面,阿根廷受限于南美共同市场关税联盟而不能增加关税。

10.Jury: Integrated by critics of art residing in Mercosur.陪审团:综合艺术评论家居住在南方共同市场。