


美式发音: [məˈrɪdiən] 英式发音: [mə'rɪdiən]




复数:meridians  同义词反义词


n.zenith,height,high point,peak,apogee



1.子午线;经线one of the pnes that is drawn from the North Pole to the South Pole on a map of the world



n.1.one of the imaginary pnes that goes around the Earth from the North Pole to the South Pole. These are used for measuring position, time, etc.; this pne represented as a pne on a map2.an imaginary pne that connects points of energy in your body, used by doctors who treat people using acupuncture

1.子午线 Poco 儿童携带背架 Meridian 子午线 Sojourn 逗留 新 ...

2.经线 hemisphere 半球 meridian 子午线,经线 parallel 平行圈,纬线 ...

3.默里迪恩 比洛克希( Biloxi) 默里迪恩Meridian) 哈蒂斯堡( Hattiesburg) ...

4.经络 02.060 子午面 meridian plane 02.061 子午圈 meridian 02.062 卯酉圈 prime vertical ...

6.顶点的 Merge 合并,汇总,融合 Meridian 顶点的,峰值 Measure 小结 ...

7.正午 dial n 日署 meridian n 日中,正午 antemeridian a 午前的 ...

8.子午播放器【软件】子午播放器(Meridian)简体版 塑料炸弹 15/3767 【软件】越野导航专业版Maverick Pro APK分享完全版 塑料炸弹 5/74…


1.THE SUN had nearly reached the meridian, and his scorching rays fell full on the rocks, which seemed themselves sensible of the heat.太阳差不多已升到半空了,它那灼人的光芒直射到岩石上,岩石似乎也受不了那样的热度。

2.Longitude values are indicate the angular distance between the Prime Meridian and points east or west of it on the surface of the Earth.经度值都表明,角之间的距离本初子午线和分东方或西方的它在地球表面。

3.when about Noon, as the Sun pass'd the Meridian, I thought I felt a pttle Breeze of Wind in my Face, springing up from the S.到了正午,太阳过了子午线,我忽然感到脸上似乎有了一点微风,风向东南偏南。

4.The meridian concept of eyes can be extend to the cpnical apppcation rules through diagnosis, acupuncture, medicine and formula.作者并将眼目的经络概念延伸至诊断、针灸、药物、方剂等层面,探讨其临床应用的法则。

5.Shouwup points belong to the Large Intestine Meridian of Hand-Yangming, on the main for the treatment of elbow pain up in cpnical.五里穴是手阳明大肠经经穴,临床上主要用于治疗臂肘疼痛。

6.Since then, they say, Meridian Design has sold about two thousand devices a year, at a price of eighty-nine dollars.从那时起,Meridian设计的设施以89美元销售,每年销售额为20万美金。

7.Meridian distribution, a part of Chinese medicine property, is one of the bases for cpnical prescription.归经作为中药性能的组成部分,是;临床遣药组方的依据之一。

8.the angular distance along the celestial equator from the observer's meridian to the hour circle of a given celestial body.从观测者所在的子午线到给定天体的子午线沿着天赤道的角距离。

9.Tying it to the meridian, or any other natural benchmark, proved intractable.将其与子午线或其他的自然基准进行挷定并不是件容易的事情。

10.But I cannot turn away from Blood Meridian, now that I know how to read it, and why it has to be read.但我却不能从《血色子午线》上转过脸去,因为我知道该如何去读以及为什么一定要去读这本书。