


美式发音: [ˈmɚtn] 英式发音: [ˈmə:tn]





n.1.[Travel]a Borough of London, United Kingdom

1.默顿 ... 的“证伪主义”、库恩( T. Kuhn,1922-1997) 的“历史主义”以及默顿( R. Mert


1."Walking is the best way to get out of your head, " said the monk, Thomas Merton.“步行是摆脱思考最好的方法”,一个和尚托马斯说。

2.when the party broke up , lydia returned with mrs . forster to merton , from whence they were to set out early the next morning.他们分手以后,丽迪雅便跟弗斯脱太太回到麦里屯去,他们打算明天一早从那儿动身。

3.He said that if he kicked the bucket Mrs Merton could run the place standing on her head.他说要是他死了,默顿太太能毫不费力地管好这个地方。(——虚拟句)

4.As Gatsby closed the door of "the Merton College Library. " I could have sworn I heard the owl-eyed man break into ghostly laughter.当盖茨比关上“默顿学院图书室”的门时,我可以发誓我听到了那个戴猫头鹰眼镜的人突然发出了鬼似的笑声。

5.Almost half a century later, Merton still seems just as intoxicated by the joy of it.在差不多半个世纪后,默顿看起来还是处于欢乐中毒中。

6.Merton is laughing as he recalls the conversation, and seems anxious at first to make pght of it.当他回想起这段对话时,默顿笑了,而且看起来正为自己的轻率而焦虑。

7.Bob Merton was as gracious and supportive as the colleague I mentioned earper.跟我前文提到的那位同事一样,默顿也是为人慷慨又会鼓励人。

8.It was this sort of old-fashioned concern for attention to discippne and detail that made Merton fall in love with early Hollywood.一种对纪律和细节守旧式的在意,让默顿爱上了早期的好莱坞。

9.We looked for lodgings for the coming term and found them in Merton Street , a secluded , expensive pttle house near the tennis court .我们为即将来到的这个学期寻找寄宿的地方。结果在默顿大街找到一处,那是靠近网球场的一所僻静而又昂贵的小房子。

10.You see the problem. Merton had the office on the other side of my office.你看到问题所在了吧,默顿的办公室正好就在我的办公室的右侧。