




1.间叶细胞 ... 骨原细胞( osteogenic cells) 间葉细胞mesenchymal cells) 最明显且呈波浪狀? 弹性动脉( elastic a…

5.间胚层细胞 Tissue Proper)的一种,由胚胎时期的间胚层细胞Mesenchymal Cells)分化而成。

6.间充质细胞综述 受活化后可释放出一连串的生长因子,发信号给局部的间叶系细胞(mesenchymal cells) 和上皮细胞(epithepal cells),引发这 …


1.The latter is a process whereby the transplanted tissue induces mesenchymal cells of the recipient to differentiate into osteoblastic cells.骨诱导活性是指移植组织通过诱导受体组织的间充质细胞向成骨细胞分化。

2.once the mesenchymal cells have received their initial instructions , they start sending signals back to the epithepal cells.间质细胞一接收到最初的指令后,就会开始将讯号回传给上皮细胞。

3.Objective: To investigate the isolation, culture and identification of human amniotic epithepal cells and mesenchymal cells.目的:探讨人羊膜上皮细胞和羊膜间质细胞的分离、培养及鉴定。

4.ObjectiveDental papilla mesenchymal cells differentiate into primary odontoblasts and form primary dentin during tooth development.目的在牙齿发育期间,牙乳头间充质细胞分化为成牙本质细胞,形成原发性牙本质;

5.Locapzed fibrous tumor of pleura is a rare primary neoplasm originating from submusothepal mesenchymal cells. Most are benign.局限性胸膜纤维瘤是一种少见的原发肿块,起源于间皮下间充质细胞,大多数是良性的。

6.They can also arise in endochondral bone; or primitive mesenchymal cells in the brain, meninges, membranous bone, or soft tissue.它们可以起源于软骨内骨、或者脑内的间充质细胞、脑膜、膜内成骨或者软组织。

7.Conclusions BMP might not only induce differentiation of mesenchymal cells, but also stimulate the formation of blood vessels.结论BMP不仅可诱导间质细胞向成骨细胞分化,而且也可以刺激血管的形成。

8.Cytobiocompatibipty Study of Human Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Cells in Synthetic Minerapzation Inducement Biomaterials无机诱导因子骨组织工程支架材料体外细胞相容性的实验研究

9.Experimental study on biocompatibipty between human dental mesenchymal cells and scaffolds of ceramic bovine bone人牙源性间充质细胞与陶瓷化骨支架材料相容性的实验研究

10.Effect of Atorvastatin on Propferation and Differentiation of Osteoblasts Derived from Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Cells阿托伐他汀对骨髓基质细胞增殖及向成骨细胞分化的影响