




1.梅西/26 · (里斯本综合电)不管队中取分钥匙之一的梅西Messi)是否能 2010/6/13 · 图片 视频 音乐 问问 新闻 地图 百科 搜吧 …

2.美斯 33. Messi利昂内尔·梅西,阿根廷,前场) 37. Pagpuca( 詹卢卡·帕柳卡,意大利,门将) ...

6.梅西球衣答:如果你去阿根廷你会看见漫山遍野的梅西球衣(messi),来跟我读(me(一声)si)。你可以轻松的跟任何一个南美洲人聊起足球 …

7.梅西的名字《每日体育报》突发灵感,从梅西的名字(MESSI)中分解出5大关键词,对梅西的神迹做出了完美解读。梅西41战48球,场均得 …


1.Messi is such a natural with the ball at his feet and often plays as though the ball is glued to his boots.梅西似乎有这样一种盘带天赋,所以经常让人感觉是不是球粘在他的球鞋上了。

2."If something would have happened to you in that match, I'd have been shot, " Maradona said he told Messi.老马坦言,他曾对梅西说过:“在那场比赛里你有个三长两短的,那我得被枪毙。”

3.Messi is out of this planet, I would say he is so far ahead of the rest of the players playing right now.地球已经容不下梅西了,我敢说他的才能已经远远超出了那些现役球员。

4.I would say Messi as he's the best player in the world but if I could divide the prize between the three of them I would.我想说梅西,因为他是世界上最优秀的球员,但是如果可以的话我会把这个奖平分给他们三位。

5.In the same interview, Maradona said he had to explain to Lionel Messi why he did not play against Canada.在访谈中,马拉多纳还向梅西解释了为何在对战加拿大队时没有让他出战。

6.Probably the only forward of comparable quapty is Lionel Messi, and he's unpkely to leave Barcelona.也许唯一的选择就是梅西,而他不太可能离开巴塞罗那。

7.He may not be very tall Messi, but he makes up for that in speed and agipty, which allow him to evade the tackles of his opponents.梅西身高不高,但他的速度和灵活性使他能巧妙地化解对手的拦截和防守,这弥补了其身高的不足。

8.Messi is clearly a fantastic talent but it's almost too easy to say he is the best now.梅西显然是个很有天赋的球员,但现在说他是最好的,那确实太草率了。

9.Again, a lot of this can be put down to the players Rooney plays with each week compared to that of Messi.在这项数据的比拼中,和每周表现出色的梅西相比鲁尼又落下了一大截。

10.The manager was then asked if he would instruct any of his defenders to rough up Lionel Messi, Barca's key man, on Wednesday night.随后温格被问及是否会在周三晚的大战中布置专人防守巴萨的核心梅西时,他答道。